Finding a New Identity

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That started the worst year. I never knew my life would also change that year. My mother and father split up after a horrible exchange of truths. I felt that they were looking over our feelings and lives. Me especially.
My mother got us a babysitter because my dad was no longer there to be with us at night. One night I woke up because I felt something crawling on me. When I awoke fully, I found that it was not something but someone. Not a bug or a roach, but a human hand. I didn't get a face, just that it was a male touching me inappropriately.

The next night it happened against, but it was more than touchy feely. The hands held my arms pent to the bed, way over my head. I started to panic, but soon became numb. My body wouldn't budge and my voice ran away. I couldn't feel or identify what happened until I woke up the next morning, sweating. My whole lower body was sore. I had dry blood down my legs. I walked in the bathroom, locked the door, and laid on the floor bawling. I tried to wipe the blood with a towel. Later I would wrap the towel in paper towel, put it in a bag, and burry it. I cried long and hard when I was at home.

That day changed a lot. My attitude worsened and I gained more weight as a protective barrier. Maybe if I isolate myself I'll be ok, I thought. The memory became weaker with time and I pushed it far back. I wanted to forget, so I would have a chance of moving on in the far future.

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