We've separated ways.

I looked at Sakura. She's looking at the viking. Hmm we should give it a try!


Sakura's POV

I really wanted to ride that viking *0*

Chaeyeon waved her hand infront of my face. She pulled me to the viking.

Don't tell me we're going to ride this?

She bought two tickets.

"Chaeyeon, I thought you'll not ride this because your stomach will feel upset?" we paused for a while.

"I'll try everything! Everything that will make you happy. Let's go?" She held my hand and pulled me towards the entrance.

My heart skipped a beat because of what she said.

I smiled at her and held her hand tightly.

She really makes me happy.

"This way maam please" the staff lead us to the last part of the viking.

"Please make sure to buckle your safety belt" the staff said in a megaphone.

Chaeyeon sat beside me, she buckled her belt then, she also buckled mine.

I bowed my head because my cheeks are getting warm.

"It's starting" she held my hand tightly.

I can't hear the passenger's scream, all I can hear is my heart.

My heart that beats so fast now. I haven't feel this before, what's the meaning of this?

I raised my hands up and screamed, Chaeyeon did the same too but I can't explain her facial expression right now. She seems dizzy.

I laughed at her haha she looks like a squirrel. I pulled my phone out and took a picture of her.

I also extended my arm to take a picture of us.

I closed my eyes because I also feel dizzy.

After a minute, the viking stopped. Chaeyeon and I went down and we looked like we're drunk because of the way we walked.

"Look Chaeyeon, haha you're epic here!" I handed her my phone.

She smiled and ran directly at the corner where there are only few people.

I thought she's crying but, she's vomiting.

She really can't withstand the ride.

I patted her back and handed her my handkerchief.

"Here, use this. I'm sorry, because you had to ride that viking" I sadly said.

She wiped her lips first before speaking up again.

"Anything, for you"


Chaeyeon's POV

"Anything for you" I replied to Sakura. I still feels dizzy.

You're mine and I'm yours (Chaekura) Where stories live. Discover now