Dean Winchester 》Things I've Ruined

Start from the beginning

Cas showed him which Cabin was yours, and explained that it also served as the local hospital. You were a medic. That was fitting. He couldn't even count the number of times you'd patched him up. He was kind of proud that you'd been able to put that to use. He knocked gently.

When you opened the door, you had your mouth open as though you were going to say something, but you closed it when your eyes fell on him. He couldn't blame you; the whole clone thing would be enough to throw anyone off.

"Hey, Y/N," Cas said behind him, shifting on his feet. "Do you mind if we come in for a bit?"

You were boring holes into Dean with your gaze, and it sent a shiver down his back. Your jaw set at Cas' request, but you moved aside after a moment, allowing the two of them in and shutting the door behind them.

Dean looked around the room, taking it in. It was simpler than Cas'. Less hippie-ish. You had a lot more chests of drawers than others seemed to, but that probably had something to do with the whole 'doctor on call' thing. The only really surprising thing was Chuck, who was laying on a couch by your bed. Dean narrowed his eyes at him.

"So what is his deal?" you asked, your voice still at that scary monotone. Dean turned to you and took in your appearance. You were wearing all black, but he could see spots on your clothes that were dirtied with blood. You wore combat boots. You had more scars now, but they were mostly small. Your arms were crossed over chest. You looked almost... scary.

Cas explained everything to you --- Zachariah and 2009 and this being a warning; the whole bit. Your expression never changed while he talked, but you seemed to accept it. Then, after a few moments of silence, the corner of your mouth quirked up in a smile. You found this amusing.

Chuck, behind you, was the first one to chirp up. "That's-that's really crazy. I mean, we've seen crazy, but that's.... whoo."

"You're telling me," Dean mumbled. He nodded slowly. "So, you two, are you...?"

Your brow furrowed. "We're friends. Actually, Chuck is one of the only friends I have. He and Cas."

Dean glanced between the three of you, confused. You'd always been so lovable. You should have had this entire camp wrapped around your finger, and all you had were these two guys? "Why?"

Cas and Chuck stared down at the floor awkwardly.

"My ex tends to scare people away. Bit of a jealous streak sometimes, and no one seems to want to cross him."

The air in the room was tense. Dean could feel it. He wanted to ask more questions about it, like who the hell this ex was and why people were so scared of him, but he didn't. This must have become a bit of a sore spot for you if even Chuck and Castiel seemed to slink away from it. "What about me and you?" he asked.

"We aren't pals anymore, Dean."

His heart fell. He could never have imagined a future where you two saw each other every day and weren't friends, and suddenly he was living in it. If the world ending didn't make him want to change things, that sure did. You had been a sort of light in the dark for him. No matter how hard things got, you were always the person he ran to. Your collar had probably seen more of his tears than his own. Even when he pushed you away, you were the one who ended up comforting him about it. You were loyal, and constant, and a fucking necessity for him.

Somehow he got the feeling that he was the one who destroyed that.

"Y/N," Chuck said quietly, "he hasn't---"

"Yeah," you interrupted him. "You're right." You ran a hand through your hair before pulling a chair away from your desk and gesturing for Dean to sit in it. You seemed to relax a bit, and took a seat on the edge of your bed.

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