Kirino's House and the Video Call

Start from the beginning

"Well, Tsurugi's right."

They all turned on their phones, tabs and laptop on Minecraft to start their business. Again, there were no signs of SEED activity visible to their coordinates range.

"I swear, I'm tired of seeing this 'peaceful' version of Minecraft while there are still virus running inside its system." Said Kirino.

"Wanna flood them with my nonsense again?" Kariya smirked.

"Not yet, buddy. Maybe there's someone hiding here. Check first." Fei said.

They did so, but they didn't found something so unusual, just like the case before Kurosaki appeared.

=Kariya: Guys, im ready

=Kariya: should i start

=Shindou: No

=Shindou: I feel like we shouldn't.

=Tenma: Why not, senpai?

=Shindou: I just got the feeling idk

=(Y/N): Plus, who knows? The SEED we might encounter next will be far more stronger than the SEEDs we already fought.

=(Y/N): Im still scared of losing my account because my credit card is bound to it

=Tsurugi: I promise to make everyone's accounts and data safe from the virus so don't doubt now.

=(Y/N): No, no, its not that I don't trust you guys, I mean, im just nervous, now that we are one of the remaining individuals playing MC.

=Aoi: (Y/N)-chan is right though.

=Kirino: But regarding this situation, should we check the webpage of the MC directors about the game's current status?

=Fei: Hm, yeah. Maybe they removed the virus already!

=Tsurugi: I won't be entirely convinced if that becomes a headline.

Their chat is interrupted by a loud and sudden bang of the door, meaning that someone entered the house.

"Sorry..." She muttered under her breath, "I'm home-"

She stopped on her mid sentence when she saw the gamer group.

"Oh? What are you guys doing in here? Isn't it a little early?"

"Your brother invited us here, and its an urgent for gamers." Shindou replied.

Kirino looked at the young girl in front of the door confused, "Chiaki? I thought you were staying on your friend's house?"

"Yeah, I stayed for a while there, and we didn't expect that our project will be finished in a few hours, so I'm here."

At the back of the group, Kariya stares at the girl in shock and awe. He can't believe that she's here.

"C-Chiaki?" He called.

She recognized the voice, "Kariya-kun?"

Kariya literally jumped from his seat and dashed forward to Chiaki.

"Chii-chan!!" He called once again.

She also ran to him, "Kariya-kun!!"

*insert the dramatic/romantic running approach cliche in anime*



But before they could hug each other, Kirino blocked their way, with his back facing his sister's direction while his front and fist landed on Kariya's forehead. The boy stumbled on the floor touching his forehead.

Xx_My_Gamer_xX (Tsurugi Kyousuke X Reader) =Inazuma Eleven Go Modern AU=Where stories live. Discover now