Chapter 32

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(a couple of days after their return home)

Tim sat lounged back in the recliner, drinking a beer as the others decorated the Christmas tree. He guessed you just had to see it to appreciate it.

"How does that look, Timmy?" Austin asks with a smirk as he glances around at the brunette.

"Your balls aren't straight." Tim says with a smile.

Chance laughs as he walks over to the recliner. He takes Tim's hand and lays it on top of his.

"I'll check them out later and see what I can do about evening them up." Chance smiles.

"Oh, you are so wrong for that." Tim laughs loudly.

Austin was unaware of Chance talking to Tim. He was busy hanging an ornament on the tree.

"Well, your dick is shaped like the letter S." Austin chuckles.

"It is not." Adam comments before slapping his hand over his mouth.

"Adam should know. He saw it up close and personal this morning." Tim laughs as Adam sits down in his lap.

"Gees, I'm so glad Kelsey ain't here to hear this." Rob says as he shakes his head.

"So what do you guys normally do for Christmas?" Chris asks.

"Ms. Betty always tried to make Christmas extra special for us since our lives sucked before we came here." Tim says with a slight chuckle.

"We would draw names and she would take each of us to the store and help us pick out a gift." Rob says.

"She would hang each of us a stocking near the fireplace. After we went to bed, she would fill each stocking with apples, oranges, nuts and all kind of candy." Austin adds with a smile.

"And on Christmas Day she would fix a big turkey with all the trimmings. She'd always let us help. We always had so much fun." Tim says with a sniff as his eyes begin to mist over.

"Whatever was left, which was always a lot, she would fix plates and carry them to homeless families." Chance signs.

"I think we should keep up Grandma's tradition." Adam says as he leans back in Tim's arms. Tim wraps his arms around his lover and places a soft kiss on his shoulder.

"I do too. It sounds fun." Chris nods. "Do you guys want to draw names?"

"Sure. Now's a good time as any." Rob nods.

"So it's just the four guys drawing names?" Nate asks as he gets some paper.

"Yeah, just like grandma did." Chris nods with a smile.

"Okay, I have their names written down." Nate says as he folds each name and puts it into a bowl. "Of course, if you get your own name, put it back in and draw another."

"Who wants to go first?" Chris asks.

Chance holds up his hand. He then reaches into the bowl and pulls out a name. He hides it from Austin as he opens it. He nods as he reads, 'TIM'. He slips the paper in his pocket.

"I'll go next." Austin smiles as he reaches into the bowl. He unfolds the paper to see that it reads, 'ROB'.

"ME NEXT! ME NEXT!" Rob giggles, reaching into the bowl. He opens the paper to see the name, 'CHANCE'.

"I guess that leaves me." Tim says as he holds his hand out. Nate puts the bowl under his hand. He picks up the last name and unfolds it. "Wait. It's not in braille. I can't read this. Someone tell me what it says." He jokingly starts to hold the note up. The other guys excitedly lean over to read the name. "Y'all actually expected me to show you?" Tim laughs as he hands the note to Adam.

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