Broken Then Torn

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My eyes cracked open. It was blurry, but I could make out Chiron's figure. I didn't see Travis. I sat up, but I was too weak. I didn't see the light of day for long. I blacked out.

I was in the same room. It was completely empty. I looked around. The sun shone through the window. Gaea walked in. "Hello child." She smirked.

"What do you want?" I glared at her.

"I'm freeing you of your pain for a little. You will then endure the pain of love during your little break. Enjoy."

"What do you mean by 'pain of love'?"

"You'll see."

I was about to speak, but the image disappeared.

I blinked rapidly and sat up. There was no pain. Chiron trotted over. "How are you Olivia?"

"Good I guess. Where's Travis?"

"I told him to go eat."

"Ok, can I go?"

"Sure. Can you walk?"

"I think."

I stood up. I was a little wobbly at first. I stumbled but Chiron caught me. I continued walking after saying thank you. It took a few minutes to reach the dining hall.

I took a deep breath and checked what I was wearing. First, I need a shower and to change my clothes. I turned around and made it to my cabin. I grabbed my Camp Half-Blood shirt and skinny jeans. I hopped in the shower. I thought about what Gaea said as the warm water hit my skin.

When I finished, I got dressed and left. From the look of it, the dining hall was pretty much empty. I walked in. I froze in my spot. I saw Travis and Drew. They. Were. Making. Out. Tears stung in my eyes. I heard him say her name as he pulled her closer with his arms around her waist.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. After a minute, I had enough. "TRAVIS STOLL."

I didn't even bother to wipe my tears. He attempted to lift his head up at first but was pulled closer by Drew. He broke free and turned around. His eyes widened when he saw me. "Liv-"

"Don't say another word. I don't want to hear it."

I stormed out. I ran into Will. "LIV! Liv?"

I sobbed into his shoulder. He wrapped me in his arms. "What's wrong."

"Its- its Travis." I cried harder.

"What did he do?"

"He- I saw- HE KISSED DREW."

By that point, my emotions were out of control. "HE DID WHAT? STAY HERE THAT BOY IS DEFINITELY GETTING A PIECE OF ME."


Will ran off. I sunk to the ground. I needed to go somewhere privately. I walked over to the lake. I dipped my feet into the water. What would happen if I jumped in, and stayed in?

I took a deep breath and jumped. I seam to the very bottom and skimmed the floor. I had to go up for air. I went up, took a deep breath, and went back in. This time, my foot got stuck.

I turned around. Tons of plants were wrapped around my legs. I tried to kick free. I was running out of oxygen. I turned and kicked, but it only made it worse. Then, the pain came back at the worst time. My throat burned and the pain returned to my skin. Bruises and cuts appeared on my skin. I let out a breath.

Now I couldn't breathe. I screamed which lead to more pain. I felt big hands pull me out. I coughed and screamed. The pain returned, and worse. A thought came in mind. Maybe this is what I deserved, endless amounts of pain. I'm obviously not good enough for Travis. I- I give up. I sighed. My breathing became heavy. I looked to see who my savior was. It was Travis.

"Liv, are you ok?!"

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I struggled to sit up. "Why do you care?"

"Why wouldn't I care? You almost died!"

"It wouldn't matter either way. I hope you and Drew are happy together."

"I'm not dating Drew!"

"Then why did I see you kissing her?!"

"I don't know! If I explained it, I would seem like a total jerk/creep."

"Tell me Travis!"

He sighed. "I- I was missing kissing you. I missed having someone to be with. She came up on me and..." He stopped.


"And I kissed her back."

I looked at my lap. "So you felt bored because your girlfriend was in the hospital. Great. I'll just walk back home or something."

"No Liv."

"Go away."


I walked out, wincing and limping with every step. How am I able to actually walk? Not for long. A voice said in my head. That's when all the pain came. I dropped to the floor screaming.

Images raced through my head. Sweat stuck to my forehead, and I was burning up. These images, they aren't right. I started to cry. It showed Travis and Drew. It showed people dead. It showed all my nightmares. Will ran up to me. "Liv!"

He carried me to the infirmary. It hurt when he touched me. I sobbed even harder. "Chiron!"

Chiron came over. "Again?"

Will nodded. Chiron lead us to the infirmary where nurses ran up to me. They were like the backup. I needed "extra help" apparently. "Why is it increased Chiron? She didn't have this much pain. See the marks and burns and everything. It's worse than before."

He studied me. "Has she been through any emotional changes?"

"Yes. A heartbreak."

Chiron glanced at me. "Set her down on the bed."

I screamed out in pain. "Will!" I cried.

He just prayed and sang to Apollo. I sat up, but they pushed me down, causing me more pain. "Stay like that Liv. You can get better."

I cried even harder. "SHE DOESN'T WANT ME TO!"


"I-I can't."

My throat burned and stung. I curled up into a ball. It even hurt to move. I saw someone burst through the door. It was Travis. Will ran to him. "She doesn't want to see you now! You don't have that right!" he screamed.

"Will! I get to see my girlfriend!"




Travis glared at him. "YOU CAN'T KEEP ME AWAY FOREVER!"



And with that, he walked out. I stared at the door. Tears were streaming down. "Guys, can I have some alone time?"

"Uh sure."


They nodded. I sat up. "I just lost the one I love, and now all I have ahead is pain."

I cried into my knees. I saw Will and Chiron walking down the path. I started to hum. I couldn't get into it though. I only had one more question in mind.

When will I find the beat that I lost?

Book 1 in Olympus's Girls- The Arrow's Thief: A Percy Jackson (Heroes of Olympus) FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz