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     What am I supposed to do I like these guys. I'm mean who would like to deep voiced, strong ass,( they really have nice asses), plus they're smart and I'm just a lonely nobody. I have fourth and sixth period with them I can't just go up to and say hey wanna be my boyfriend I mean common who does that.
        I stopped beating myself up because I'm to much of a wimp to ask out a guy or not enough gut to ask if they are gay.
        I got went to my shower and turned the hot water on I started to take my shirt off when my phone beeped it was my friend Forest
From Forest:
Bro I just got a text from Damian say that Lucas is gay can you freakin believe that???
Me: What's wrong with being gay???
Forest: I'm sorry I forgot
Me: it's okay I guess this will help me date Lucas
Forest: Woah hold up you like Lucas😐😐
Me: yeah I like Lucas and this guy James🙁
Forest: didn't see dat shit
I didn't respond and finished taking my shirt and shoes off when Forest sent another text
Forests: look I didn't mean to offend you but I think if you like them like them first become their friend slowly start yo make your relationship
I gave a half smile and typed back
Me: thanks I'll keep that in mind
Forest: ok see you at school tomorrow
Me: yeah see ya
I sighed and through my phone on the bed and took a long shower. I probably stayed in there for about an hour then got out wrapped a towel around my waist and left
I found a pair of black boxers and put them on with a pair of sweat pants and some boxer gloves and went downstairs to the basement and started punching the bag with all I got I did that for about an hour and took a quick shower and went downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was cooking breakfast
" hi honey how did you sleep" ' wonderful' I thought with a smirk " I slept fine mom just like all the other times you have asked" " No need to get all grumpy mister I'm not the one who got out of the wrong side of the bed" I just rolled my eyes. My family wasn't poor but we weren't that rich. My dad is the owner of a chain of companies and my mom is a nurse. They work all day so I do whatever I want. So I finished my bacon and toast and went to my room washed my Fae and brushed my teeth, grabbed my skate board and said bye to my parents and I left to go to the skate park. I don't really like skating I just go there to watch Lucas and James. When I got there Damian and Forest were already there
" Hey guys! What's up" not much they said in unison then Damian said " why didn't you text back" I looked confused then it clicked. I left my phone at home " Damn dats some bull I left my phone at home I'll be right back" and with that I was gone

~ Okay so this is my first boy X boy fan fiction so please please be nice in the comments if you have any ideas just let me know and I will put in the story

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