Sometimes Friends Are Your Fangirls

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"Kat, I'm telling you this was the hottest man I've ever seen." Alois rambled. "Seriously, I couldn't. He was nice, adorable as heckle, British, and I want to marry him."

Kat giggled. "Well now I feel weird because I invited one of my gay friends out with us today, hoping you might like him."

Alois shook his head. "He'd have to be an above average model to compare to the British hottie I met last night, but I am curious, what's his name?"

"Oh, his name is C- Oh, there he his. YO, PHANTOMHOE THE PIRATE, OVER HERE!" She yelled.

Alois looked up to see the same boy he'd just been talking about smiled and walked over to the table. He wasn't wearing his usual I-am-a-teacher-so-I-have-to-dress-like-this getup, no this was much better. He was wearing an oversized black sweater (considering to was cold as heckle outside) that had the Britain flag cross on it, under it was a white button up shirt and a black bow tie (because bow ties are cool #DoctorWho). He was also wearing black skinny jeans that complimented that perfect booty ((it's chapter 2 and I've already talked about Ciel's butt)) and black combat boots. He was still wearing his white eye patch, but even with just one blue eye he was one of God's angels.

"Hi!" He said as he sat down. "Sorry I'm late Sebastian 'just so happened' to run into me and decided to get into a ten minute conversation on how good I look today." He rolled his eye. He looked at me and a smile graced his features. "Oh hey, you're Luka's dad, the flirt!" He giggled a little. "Hello again, I didn't know you were the guy Kat had her heart set up on me meeting."

Kat smirked a little. "Alois, is this who you were just talking to me about?" She pointed at the now confused Ciel with an excited look in her eyes. That's never good.

Alois bit his lip as he nodded a little. "The one and only."

"Talking about?" Ciel asked. "Were you talking about me?" He raised an eyebrow.

Kat bit her lip, trying to contain a squeal of excitement. "Yes we were."

Alois sighed a little. "I found you to be rather attractive, and I was telling Kat about it." He admitted, blushing.

"Oh," Ciel blushed too. "I'm going to take that as a compliment, thank you." He said politely.

The rest of the lunch was somewhat awkward, but at the same time really nice. Both boys learned a lot about the other (though Alois had yet to learn the story behind the eye patch) and grew to enjoy each other's company. Ciel gave Alois his number and soon they all went their own way.

As Alois was walking home, for the restaurant they'd eaten at was close to his home, he smiled to himself. "He was so damned cute..." He whispered. He got a text, and quickly pulled his phone out. Admittedly, he was slightly disappointed when he saw it wasn't Ciel, but Kat.

Hey! I think we should have lunch together again tomorrow (I'll pay, I'm not trying to spend all of your money, I swear), but I think I could help you get with Ciel. And don't deny it, you want help to get his sexy booty ;) same place same time tomorrow?

Alois smiled a little. Only Kat would be her friend's fangirl. He texted back accepting her offer before walking around the corner and pausing was that who he thought it was, walking into his apartment building?

Ciel walked up to the apartment building and walked in. He'd just moved in here, fifth floor. He heard someone walking up behind him so he held the door.

Alois walked through the door with an eyebrow raised. "Do you live here?" He asked suddenly.

Ciel turned and looked at him. "Oh, hello. Yes, I'm on the fifth floor, just moved in." He smiled.

Alois smiled too. "Luka and I are on the third." He said as he walked toward the elevator. "It's cool that you live here, all the apartments are very nice..." He paused before just sputtering out nervously, "Y-you should t-totally come up and s-see us sometime, that is if y-you want?" 

Ciel giggled a little. "You're cute when you stutter like that, has anyone ever told you that?"

Alois blushed and shook his head silently.

Ciel giggled more, covering his mouth slightly with a pale hand. "I'd love to come see you guys sometime, you have my number so just text me whenever, I'm apartment 32C, you can come up whenever." He smiled. "But today Sebastian is coming over so I'm a bit busy."

Alois frowned a little. "Oh, are Sebastian and you dating?"

Ciel's eye widened. "Oh God no!" He laughed a little. "No, he found out I moved and now he's helping me unpack even though in no way did I ask him to." He shook his head as the elevator stopped on Alois' floor. "See you some other time, ya flirt."

Alois blushed as he walked out, saying a small goodbye. "Poor Sebastian has some competition..." Alois muttered under his breath after the elevator doors closed. "And no way in hell I'm giving up without a fight."

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