Chapter 1: Past memories

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"Mira.....I.....I don't....I don't know. I can't remember." I stuttered, feeling my head swinging.

"You've been like that ever since he was gone. Don't you think you're still recovering?"

"No. Not really. In fact, who did do all those things?" i asked, confusing my own self. Surely.....this guy was very important to me that i don't know him.

"Lucy,maybe you should relax...get some sleep. You're definitely not well." she said. I sighed before nodding and heading home.

On the way, all i could think about were Mirajane's questions. She made sense. I didn't. But she never even showed me a damn picture of him, so how the hell should i remember him? I asked her one time.

All she said was, "He doesn't like pictures."

I asked her for proof that he and i were together. You want to know what she said? You won't believe it.

"There is no physical proof."

Are you shitting me? Seriously, don't you think they could have at least thought this through and plan this thing? Heck, they never even told me his name!

"Lucy?" asked a female voice from behind. I turned around to see a girl coming towards me. Hmm. She's giving off a vibe that's familiar.

"Umm, who are you?" i asked, not really caring if she was offended or not.

"You really don't know me? Ha, you slapped me once! I'm Sasha, the girl who was supposed to be Sting's girlfriend!" she exclaimed, making me look weird as i tried to rack my brains and dust the cobwebs to find her.

Sting? Who is that?

"I'm sorry but i don't know anyone by the name of Sasha, or Sting. And i don't care if you were supposed to be his girlfriend." i said.

"Are you.....are you.....Sting! That name should be known! And you should care!" she exclaimed. Feeling a bit annoyed, i ignored her and turned around. I waved away her protests about me leaving her and i walked off.

Sasha? 'Supposed girlfriend'? I don't care. I really don't.


I swear. This happened before. It really did. I turned around quickly hoping to see the girl i bumped into run after her blue-haired it? That girl.....her friend is Levy, from Fairytail. Which means the blonde one running towards her is............ shitting. way.


I cursed myself for letting her slip so easily. I began to walk towards them, but they were in such a hurry that i lost them. I sighed heavily before feeling lonely. She was so close, after i searched so long.

In defeat, i trudged away, only for something to cross my mind. If they think i'm dead.......




I slapped myself forgetting these three. My guild! I'n their master! I raced towards Sabertooth, hoping that nothing bad happened. But heck, you wouldn't believe what happened when i arrived.

Everyone acted normal, except for Rogue and the exceeds. He explained to me that Fairy Tail told him what happened, but he kept it a secret from the guild.

"Sting-kun!" cried Lector, as he clung onto my foot. I smiled.

"So what, to them i'm just coming back?" i asked.

"Precisely, yes."

"And why aren't you crying over me?" i asked.

"Why should i? We were doing just fine. Well, i was doing just fine." he shrugged. That bastard. How dare he! I pouted before my head began to spin like shit.

I told them i would be right back, and i went into the city hoping to find a calm place. I sat down near a lake, my head searing with pain.



I stared in complete shock. How could i have died? Obviously i can't, i'm here right now. Aren't i? Oh but couldn't. If i did die, i would not be here. That's how the law is.

I have to do what i must quickly, or else my future will not be the same as it was before. I must trace down Lucy, and change things....if not......who knows what would happened. It was that damned spirit's fault, if she was not made, then non of this would have happened.

Plus, i believe it's already too late. I know that the future will change. The spirit is messing up this timeline, and this is causing distortions.

I walked away from the graveyard, passing a newspaper stand nearby. Today's papers were out, yesterday's gone.

April 22nd, hmm?


I stared with wide eyes at the ground. What? I was not so smart, when did i think of those thoughts?

That's because i didn't think of them.

When i visited that stone, i never thought of a spirit, future or timeline. Hell, i did not visit the gravestone on April 22nd.



No way. If i'm dead, what happened to Lucy? Did another guy take her yet? I swear to god if someone did i will smash their face! Heck, what am i thinking? Lucy would be devastated already.

I angrily walked away. I must find Lucy, prove to her that i was alive all this time. Make her mine once more. I passed a newspaper stand. Maybe i should buy one. I looked at today's newspaper.

May 1st.

I see, so today is the first of May.


That's right. May 1st. On April 22nd, i was still recovering. I was stabbed pretty badly by that stupid wrench, and then again she was a spirit so she used a special sword.

But who was i?

It's my flashback, i saw myself standing infront of the grave and passing a newspaper stand with the date of April 22nd. But those were not my thoughts. But it could not be me, i saw the stone for the first time on May 1st.

Just......what is going on?!


Next Chapter: Hoping to meet again

Preview: A mystery. That's all it was. To both Fairy Tail and to Sting. Lucy was different, like she didn't know Sting. And Sting.....he was confused. Confused about everything. And the spirit. What part does she play in all this, and what is happening to Sting?

Lost Lovers (Fairytail: StiCy/ StiLu Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin