Part 1

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I glanced around the abused, dirty classroom. No teacher in sight. The small room was littered with vandalised desks with little to no students filling them, a black board hung at the front of the class, smudges of recent chalk stained the green background. My dark eyes slowly wondered to the grimy window as I gazed out at the school green, I plunged into deep thought and started day dreaming about, him. Beavis. The menacing, mischievous blonde haired boy who was in the vast majority of most my subjects. He always wore his navy blue 'Metallica' tshirt, jet black tattred and torn jeans and a pair of knacked army boots, scuff marks all around the toe due to use. As my thoughts started to take over my body, a loud slam of the classroom door hitting the cracking plaster dragged me out of them. "Speak of the fucking devil" I muttered lowly. It was beavis who opened it, swaggering into the classroom and slumping down in a seat, chuking his bag next to him, a fed up expression plastered his face as his mate, Butthead came in and Did the exact same. After about 5 more minutes of classroom mischief, our maths teacher came in and started to jot things down on the blackboard, glancing over his shoulder every now and then, watching his completely uninterested class muck about as he just sighed and went back to the board. My eyes caught sight on beavis as I sighed and gazed at him in wonder. He sat at his wooden desk, carving into the oak with a look of investment in his rule breaking actions. It made my heart flutter. Suddenly, without warning, beavis shot his head up and made eye Contact with me. His beautiful ocean blue eyes gazing back into my dull, dark ones. I felt myself getting lost into them almost hypomoztised. I couldn't tare them away. I saw a devilishly smirk smeer across his chapped lips as he winked, making my face flush a dark crimson

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