Coffee Shop.

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Feet up on the seat next to you, hands wrapped around a heating cup of caffeine, your feet wriggling ever so gently to maintain heat in he steadiness of the fire beside you. Your chia tea latte smelt of cinnamon and strangely of Christmas which led you on to thinking about the holidays fastly approaching. The bitter nip of the cold breeze sneaking up your woolen jumpers and cocooning in your scarf. The near-numb feeling in your fingertips when you go outside. The pinkness of you nose like a happy mouse, scuttling away to feed it babies. The coffee shop protected you from that for the time being soon you would have to get up to go home, back to the coldness, back to the harsh bitterness and back to the pinkish nose. You, however, enjoyed both parts of the holidays. The cold and the warm. Especially, during Monday-Saturday when the coffee shop was open.

It wasn't new or special (In some peoples eyes) or particularly beautiful, yet it had a feel and an atmosphere that restricted peoples talking abide a few soft murmurs of happy gurgles across the room. Perhaps the odd door closing and openings and simple food being transported from table to counter by young adults working their to pay for their cars and university. The silent hustle and bustle relaxed you and showed that even when working and being secretly busy, people could still remain calm and peaceful. 

The book you held, gripped close to your nose so that the words near blurred and overlapped each other. Your neck craned in anticipation of the next word. You flipped the pages from time to time to continue your characters journey, whilst you attracted a few admiring glares. The book had the smell. the smell of libraries and wood. The smell of beaches and boats. the smell of coffee and fire. All mashed up into one book of journey, sacrifice and honour. None in particular were appealing to your real life but however, the book remained enciting to the bewildered mind you encase. 

________________________________________________________________________________A short story to introduce you to my writing style. Just a simple description. I am not really going to leave authors notes as I kinda find them annoying when I'm reading but here's one to say cheers for picking my book to read. Cheers xx

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