Part 1

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(After the movie Zootopia! A sequel.)
Once upon a time in a city called Zootopia, was a bunny called Judy Hoppes. Her partner is a fox called Nick Wild. Together they are a police officer's that want to make the world a better place.
One day, on a case. Judy and Nick found 14 missing animals at once! Chief Bogo was impressed and Judy and Nick became his favorite team.

After a while, people knew about Judy and Nick. But there was a little problem, they thought that a bunny and a fox shouldn't be together. After that, a few rumors came in town. Like they were more than just partners

One morning, Judy and Nick saw that Claw Hauser was missing!!!! Chief Bogo told them to find him as quickly as possible. They geared up and went on the case as soon as they could.
Judy and Nick were looking for clues and then Nick found a donut half eaten. Nick said "Carrots, I found a clue!" Judy was so happy and said "Good job Nicky!!!"and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. Nick was turning red and Judy was laughing. After that, they went to find other clues.

Seconds after, they found a trail of donuts leading to a small house were the donut trail stooped. Judy called Chief Bogo and told him they think they found him because there are donuts everywhere and that's what Claw Hauter likes best.Chief bogo said to keep going and tell him if they find anything.Then, Judy and Nick kept going and opened the door...

"We found him!!!" They both shouted. Claw Hauser was not lost he just ate donuts and fell asleep. But his wallet was gone.They looked at him and they realised that there were not only donuts on the floor, there was a small bottle too. Judy and Nick went closer and Judy read the small piece of writing on it. "Sleeping Powder"She read out loud. "Somebody must have put some on Claw Hauser's donuts to make him sleep and to take his wallet." Nick answered. "We just have to catch the bad guy!!!"They both shouted at the same time.

Then Nick asked himself,"Where would I hide If I were a bad guy..." Then, they both heard a twig break and turned around. The bad guy was right in front in front of them and was running away. "He is running away!!!" They both shouted and ran after him.

They both ran after him and caught the thief and put him in Jail .

And went to celebrate together.Judy had a little surprise for Nick, a surprise he would never forget. She gave him a box of chocolates and a new phone,Because she knew he loved phones and chocolates and because it was Valentine's day.But what Judy did not know was that Nick had a surprise for her too... It was a flower! It was so special because it was her favorite,Judy was so happy she gave him a kiss.
Then they went to walk in the streets and had a lot of fun talking. After talking and walking for a while, it was dark so together they both went home.

The End
Thanks guys for reading this far! Please tell me what you think of the story and what should I improve on! I just needs to say I had written this story when I was 10 so a while back but thanks reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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