A very large humanoid shape was bent over the navigation console. You couldn't make out much due to their back being toward you, but their stature and build was impressive. They had to be at least two heads taller than you, and their shoulders twice as wide as your own. Their manner of spacesuit was unusual, like nothing you'd ever seen before. It was dark, close fitting, and gave off a very organic impression, almost like it was a second skin of sorts. It took you a moment to notice another detail: the large, heavy tail, also encased in the unusual suit. You felt your eye twitch as you pulled back into the hall.

An alien? Really? Here? Questions flooded your mind, and you shook your head to clear them. It doesn't matter right now, you just needed to get the box and get out of here. You look back into the room and glance over the humanoid figure's massive frame again. You sigh as you make up your mind.

You hope they're friendly.

You step fully into the room, stepping heavily to send a noticeable vibration through the floor. Startling something that big didn't seem like a great idea. It notices and turns around. Your jaw drops as you see its face through its helmet.

It was like a combination dragon/crocodile. It had the heavy features of a crocodile, but its muzzle was shorter, and there were scales covering it all over. Iridescent black scales. The kicker was the weird, glowing light that emanated in patterns in the scales- a cool blue-green that reminded you of beaches back on Earth. Its eyes were that same color, but the sclera was black. It was a little unnerving to say the least, and you found yourself taking a step back at how intimidated you felt.

The scaly alien, for its part, stands still and stares at you, and you wonder what it's thinking. Abruptly, it reaches up and taps its helmet twice, a universal spacer sign asking for an open comm channel. You flick one open, and hear a slight bit of static as the two systems connect. You tap your helmet and give a thumbs up.

"Dores ta na, Ki'Lio tok kas nia," you hear a definitively male voice, scratchy and deep, and wince slightly as the volume auto-adjusts. 

You realize that the translator isn't working, but then think: duh. ALIEN. It's only programmed to interpret human languages at this point. The programmers hadn't factored in alien life forms when it was written because they hadn't met any. 

You look at the croc-dragon's face and shrug. His brows furrow, and another message floats to you over the comm.

"Dores... ta na... Ki'Lio... tok... kas... nia," he repeats slowly. You hear the patience he's giving you, and you smile a bit. Looks like the locals are friendly after all. You shake your head and shrug again.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand you," you say politely into the comm, and his head jerks back in surprise.

 You give him a questioning look, and after a moment, he mirrors your shrug. Nope; he had no idea what you were saying either. At the very least, shrugs translated with no problem. 

You put away your plasma cutter in clear view and slowly walk over to him; he watches you carefully the entire time, not moving. His glow brightens as you get within arms reach, and his eyes discharge a small spark. That's interesting. You look up at him and realize how much bigger he was than you'd thought; apparently the deck was warped. You meet his gaze and raise a hand, palm out. You recite your name and touch your hand to your chest. You do this a few more times before your new friend's eyes widen, and he mimics you.

"Ki'Lio," he says, touching his chest. So that was his name he'd been saying earlier. Maybe it had been some sort of greeting?

You point at him and recite: "Ki'Lio," to which he nods and points to you, reciting your name. You nod, and he breaks into a huge grin, showing off a mouthful of sharp luminescent teeth the same color as his eyes and glow. 

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