(Male Agent 8/Male Agent 4) Singing

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"Eiiiiight! Yo, open up, dude!"

Agent 4 was standing outside of Eight's apartment door, which was on the very top floor of their complex. He only lived one floor below the octopus, and often came up to either bother Eight with something or to hang out. Eight always appreciated the company from his fellow agent friend and had gotten quite used to him inviting himself over for several hours, which led to him regularly spending the nights.

Today, however, Four's reasoning for banging on Eight's door with enough force to warrant a noise complaint was in order to borrow some toilet paper from him. He had somehow managed to make a mess involving glittery ink in his bathroom, and his first thought was to use his entire last roll of tissue that was in there to clean it up. As it was a particularly gloomy day outside, Agent 4 was pretty dead set on avoiding the rain, deciding that paying a visit to Eight would be much easier and freer than running down to the convenience store.

"Yo, Eight? Are you home? I'm letting myself in!" he yelled, not waiting for a response as he reached for Eight's spare key and swiftly unlocked the front door.

Swinging the front door open, Four was greeted to Eight's expectedly immaculate living room and the usual breezy scent of linen that always lingered in his apartment. The Octoling boy was incredibly tidy and composed, which was quite the stark difference compared to Four's general untidiness and rambunctious personality. He was by no means gross, but he just couldn't wrap his mind around how Eight's apartment always appeared as if it had come straight out of a fancy home magazine.

Eight's home was adorned with a simple but elegant attention to detail, the cool grey walls being accented by the white and pale sky-blue décor which complimented his naturally bright red tentacles nicely. The soft colors made Four sigh pleasantly; the atmosphere of Eight's apartment was always incredibly relaxing to him, and he immediately felt at ease.


"Oh, right," he said to himself, remembering the entire reason that he had kindly broken into his friend's house in the first place. "Where is he, anyway...?"

Agent 4 began to pace down the hallway leading to Eight's room, passing by his bathroom for now as he did want to at least speak to him before stealing his toilet paper.

"Eight? Are you there...?" Four was beginning to feel like texting Eight more often rather than showing up unannounced might be a good idea. Suddenly, he heard a noise that made him halt in his footsteps.

"Raizonnei, nyrurazastei..."

Was that... Eight singing?

Four remained frozen in place, suddenly wishing not to make any movements that would bring attention to his presence.

"Dismisaidon, gyaro, gyaro..."

Yep, that was unmistakably Eight's voice, singing along to what seemed to be the lyrics to Ebb and Flow. Eight had often openly talked about his love of music, but Four had never heard him singing before. Eight was unfortunately quite shy; even just convincing the Octoling to dance along with the music during the Splatfest concerts was a monthly ordeal.

Agent 4's heart rate quickened considerably, knowing that what he was hearing now was something he'd probably never get to hear again. What the... Is Eight secretly a siren, or something? Four briefly joked to himself as he shook his head before slowly beginning to allow himself to move foward, drawing his feet closer and closer to Eight's cracked door.

"Wastireimyun, minakejiyun, kozozawaden, joriuni..."

Agent 4 swallowed. Eight's voice was much easier to hear now that he had gotten closer, and he risked peaking his head in to get a better listen. Eight was wearing a shiny pair of Designer Headphones as he lightly danced around his room, tidying some of his belongings as he did so, and completely oblivious to Four's presence in his home. Four almost felt as if the breath had been taken out of him by the sight.

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