The Fall Festival

Start from the beginning

"Now that you mention it, there really is just so much to do," you say thoughtfully. The three of you meet eyes, and smile.

"Catch you later?" Francis asks.

"Yup! Keep in touch!" Charlotte says with a wink.

"Let's meet at the barn when it gets dark," you add, and they both nod before splitting off, waving over their shoulders.

"Now..." you say to yourself. "Where to start?"

You end up deciding to grab a caramel apple before wandering the stalls, munching on the sweet treat happily as you go along. This was such an amazing place; it was just like how you'd always imagined a fall festival would be when you were a kid, but better somehow.

You pass by an enormous dragonman, a huge, pink stuffed bear in his mighty arms. His scaly cheeks darken as hands it to a much smaller guy beside him, who laughs and pulls the larger man down into a kiss. At another booth nearby, a woman groans in frustration as she misses her throw at the milk bottles, but as she digs for more change in her bag, the lionman stall attendant swipes them all down with his tail, shouting about a big winner. Before the confused woman can respond, he pushes a huge stuffed lion into her arms with a grin, and her face lights up in joy.

All over the place, happy moments like this were happening, and you realized that this was the absolute ideal. Everybody was having fun, everybody was helping one another without a care in the world, and everybody was happy. You found yourself smiling so much your cheeks began to hurt.

Your wandering ended up bringing you to the entrance of the corn maze near the barn. You grin as you remember how much you'd wanted to explore one of these things as a kid, even though your sense of direction had been so terrible. You'd actually gotten lost multiple times in grocery stores. Surely it was better now that you were grown up, right?

You approach the maze attendant, a massively built bull-headed man at least head and shoulders taller than you guarding the entrance. A minotaur. His russet-colored fur coordinated well with the dusty copper plaid he was wearing, and his faded, well-fitting jeans looked as though they'd maybe seen a few harvests too many.

You found yourself getting nervous the closer you got; he was remarkably intimidating. And handsome. His spice-colored eyes glitter as you approach, and he uncrosses his enormous arms and sits on a nearby tree stump, bringing him somewhat closer to your height. A dark grin crosses his face as he leans toward you.

"Well, well, another sacrifice for the maze," he says in a playful, but menacing, tone. "You sure you're going to be able to make your way through? We've had a couple folks mysteriously disappear after going in. I'd hate for you to be one of them."

You stare at him a long moment before glancing at the shadowy entrance of the maze. You feel your smile slip away; suddenly it didn't seem like such fun.

"Hey, whoa," he says, his expression changing abruptly. "It's just a bit script, alright? For the folks who want more of a thrill. I'd never let anybody stay lost out there. No way in heck. 'Specially not you." He smiles, much more friendly this time, and offers his massive hand. "Name's Griffin, though you can call me Griff."

You take his hand and feel your heart flutter as his fingers close, completely engulfing your own. In doing so, you can feel the rough calluses of a man who works with his hands a lot. It was indescribably magnetic. After a moment of awkwardly just... holding his hand, you actually remember to introduce yourself and let go.

"So, there's not really anything to worry about?" you ask to cover your embarrassment, and he shakes his head.

"Nah, nothing at all so long as you stay on the paths. I know them like the back of my hand. If you're in there too long, I'll come find you. Though the festival doesn't close down for the night until late, so you got plenty of time to just explore." He smiles, and your heart dances again. "Oh, but hang on a sec," Griffin turns and reaches behind the stump he's sitting on, and retrieves a small flashlight with a dramatic flourish. "Take this with you. It's gonna be getting dark before you know it, and you gotta be able to see in there." His fingers brush yours as he hands it to you, and you giggle nervously.

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