She is my Wife

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Hi guys , here you go the first part of the Three Shot .This will share the POV of the characters and the story line will be around the show track itself until the very end of this part . The next part only will deviate from the show .

Part 1 : She is my Wife

Sanskar Maheshwari had been a fool not to believe his wife , she told him she loved him instead of treasuring those words for the light it will bring into his life ,he let his family push her away from his life .

He who always believed he will take an arrow to his heart before any harm will befall her stood rooted in his place when the vultures in his family tore her apart .

He choose to turn a blind eye towards her pain ,he choose not to believe her when she claimed she loved him , he choose to believe what she felt for him was not love and he had chosen poorly .

It was because of that she was missing and he wasn't there with her to protect her , as his mind filtered what her mother told him few minutes ago .He realized none of his reluctance matter when it comes to her safety .

She was always rushing into danger when it comes to saving his family . And because he pushed her away be didn't know how to save her but he was going to try his best because losing her was not an option .

He knew he won't be able to live with himself if something happened to her , the guilt would consume him and destroy him .So he walked out of his room in hopes to search for his missing wife .

He stopped in his track when he heard her voice and the worries he held so far vanished at the sound of her voice . She was here in his house and he was relived .

As he walked into the hall , he decided that this time he will stand by her side and if she gives him one more chance , if she deemed him worth of forgiveness one more time for failing to trust her .He would never let her walk away from him ever again .

As he walked out of his room following the sound of her voice , he didn't see her but his eyes fell on an ghost of a Past .

A pair of arms which didn't belong to his wife embraced him , he stood in shock when the ghost turned out to be a human , her name fell away from his lips at the sheer disbelief that cursed through his mind .

" Kavita " he whispered and swara faltered in her steps to reach him . It couldn't be , she couldn't be the one who was embracing her husband yet she was the one who was holding him not her .

Then his eyes founded her and the grip with which she held her loosened away as she starred at her. She didn't know what he saw in her eyes .

Could he see the way her heart was crushing into pieces , could he understand the pain she felt at the moment to see him in someone else arms . Could he see the way in one single moment all her dreams where crushed and could he realize how much she wished she never uncover the secret even if it meant she was selfish .

Kavita starred at the man she loved. And all the years fell away .He was here within her eye sight and all the worry she carried ever since she woke up from her coma faded away .

Then her eyes landed on the one who saved her , she wanted to thank her and she believed that she will always feel greatful towards her for bringing her back to Sanskar .

Until the man she loved claimed her as his wife . All it took was the one sentence to turn her happiness into sorrow when she realized the man she loved belonged to someone else .

Sanskar eyes solely focused on his wife when he claimed her as his wife . He saw the uncertainty in her face when kavita questioned her about her place in his house and hadn't he promised himself that he will always stand by her side few minutes ago .

So he spoke up and declared the truth even if it would crush kavita heart , Sanskar wasn't surprised by his family when they made the choice to support Kavita and choose to forget moments ago it was his wife who came to their rescue

Sanskar waited for his wife to speak up and refute the claim that they were gonna get separated , not realizing she waited for the same . At their silence their fate was determined by someone else .

Swara lost him the thought raced in her mind when a entire day passed away . Why did it hurt so much she didn't understand but it broke her heart apart to walk away from him back then .

A day passed by. She cried till there was no more tears left and she tried to move on and pretend her heart wasn't shattered but every minute she felt like she was seeing him only for it to turn into an illusion

So when he appeared right before again , he thought he was a illusion then he called her name. She wanted to turn back and run into his arms but he belonged to someone else now so she continued to walk away until he was right before her .

Did she realize she uttered those lines to him , Sanskar wondered as she told him that she was happy for him ,that she was his past . Did she realize she was walking away from him again when she believed he would choose Kavita .

He let her walk away from him once again , he had failed to trust her words when she uttered those to him but now in her silence he heard her heart clearly .

She loved him . And maybe she thought the odds before them were higher than before ,maybe she believed walking away was the right decision .

But she didn't know he was gonna fight for her and their happiness , even if it can only start by crushing kavita happiness .

Kavita Saw the moment he entered her room after the knock , she saw the way his face was grim .Years have added maturity to his face but she missed the youthful charmness in his face .

" I am so very happy you are alive Kavita " he spoke up and Kavita realized those words had an but at the end of their sentence .

And she didn't except those words that followed them would devastate her and change the course of her life .

" You promised to love me forever ,how could you fall in love again " those words were a plea trying to make him belong to her even when he just told her ,his heart belonged to someone else ..

" I am Sorry Kavita ." he answered back , the four words were not enough will never be enough to heal the wounds of betrayal she felt by him .

" Give me a month , No just a week , so I can prove our love isn't something that could fade away . You owe me atleast that much Sanskar when you failed to keep your promise that you will spend the rest of  your life with me " her words were rushed and didn't make sense but she loved him still and wasn't going to give up without a fight .

             She saw him struggling to come to a decision and she knew the moment he made up her mind .

           " One week Kavita .." He answered back .

           " One week and you will not contact your wife during those time , I need a fair chance Sanskar , she is your present I was your past " she spoke up and she saw that he was shocked by her request but after a moment he nodded his head as an answer .


P.S : That it for now .Let me know you thoughts and feedback .Hit  the votes if you liked it .

Next part on Sunday or Monday



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