The Companion - Part 1

Start from the beginning

He starts to undo the wrap around his waist, and you make a too-loud exclamation and scoot backward across the floor, holding your hands up to cover the sight. The demon jumps visibly and drops the fabric in his hands.

"W-what are you doing?" You keep holding your hands up and glance toward him out of the corners of your eye to see if he's covered back up yet. To your surprise, he shifts his weight to one leg and puts his hands on his hips.

"I am doing the service I was summoned to perform, shy one," he says in a mildly confused tone. "Was it not your wish to have companionship this night?"

"It was, it was, yes, but..." you look up and down and everywhere but in his direction, "...not in that way."

You can see the demon look down at himself and hold his chin between thumb and forefinger in a pantomime of deep thought. After a moment, he shakes his head. "I am unsure of what you mean, shy one. I am only summoned to perform this sort of service. What is it you would have me do instead?" His tone is polite, and incredibly curious.

"Well, for one, if you could cover your...ah...self back up, that would be a first step," you say nervously, and are relieved when you glance over again to see him having done so. "And second: I was looking for more of a... non-sexual sort of companionship. Like, a friend?"

The demon's expression changes to that of shocked understanding before shifting to... you weren't sure what it was, but he nodded.

"I see. You wish for me to be your companion in that way," he smiles a bit, and you find it really cute. "Very well, then. Though I am afraid I'm not certain what I should be doing in this sort of situation." He gestures broadly, and you can't help but giggle at his bewildered look. You carefully get up off the floor and go to turn the light on, but stop before doing so.

"Will you be okay with the light being on? I'd hate to find out it hurt you after the fact," you ask, and he nods. You click on the lamp, and the room fills with a warm light, chasing away the somewhat gloomy atmosphere that had been present during the ritual. You carefully blow out the candles and see him watching you. "What's wrong?"

"Well, you seem very different than those who I would normally expect to have summoned me," he says in a matter-of-fact tone. "You seem hardly in awe or in fear, as it were."

"Oh, believe me, I'm incredibly impressed," you say as you set the candles on the kitchen counter. "And to be honest, I'm a bit terrified that you'll just take my soul or something and be on your way."

The demon scoffs derisively. "I would do no such thing. What use have I for a human soul? It would just hang about and cause me no end of trouble. I've honestly only ever done this for the offerings made at the end of the summoning."

"Offerings?" You realize that you may have overlooked something important.

"Yes, typically something like food or gold is the normal sort of thing. But I have had a few offerings of the non-physical sort, such as songs or the like." He smiles broadly, and you can see his exaggerated canines. He crosses his arms and looks upward, his tone fondly reminiscent. "Yes, those were some of my favorites, if I am honest. Roast boar is quite heavy on the figure," he says as he pats his well-defined abdominals. He looks at you, brow raised, and you realize: he just made a joke. You giggle in spite of yourself, and he smiles again.

"Well, I'm not sure about roast boar, but I have some snack foods that you can have," you say awkwardly. His smile turns into a grin, and you fidget slightly.

"That will do fine," he says reassuringly, and you sigh in relief. You and he look at each other for a long moment before your realize he's never moved from the spot he was summoned.

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