Intro to Leah

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About meeeeeeeeee

Naw, you don't actually want to know me. I'm really weird.

Oh... you do? Well, that's a change. Okay, fine. I'll give you an intro to myself.

Well, my name is Leah, and I'm a huge Harry Potter and Star Wars nerd.

Yup. You're probably like, "Well no shit."

Oh, by the way, I curse. If it bothers you, I apologize, but as long as you're 13+ and aren't a completely sheltered child, you'll be fine.

But yeah. That's me. A big book and movie nerd.

And I'm currently single. Yeah. It's rough. Fml.

Imma fill out a traditional form now so you guys can get to know me more.

Name: Leah (Lee-ah)

Gender: female

Sexuality: bisexual (a new discovery about me)

Looks: tiny girl who looks like she's always going to be 12 years old (when she's definitely not) until the day she dies (which will be helpful when she's an old fart). She has glasses, hair dyed dark brown with rose gold at the ends. Usually wears a sweater and leggings with Vans because she's a lazy white girl (who also happens to work at Starbucks).

Personality: weird. Just plain weird. Like, why go hang out with her? She's just an odd child. So odd that her best friend is the favorite child in her family. She can be cool, too. She's fairly intellectual, but don't ask her to help you with math because she will definitely get you an F. She's a very artsy girl. She has a big heart but many people just see her height and overlook her (literally and figuratively). She's an annovert, which basically means that she can fit in well with extrovert and introvert situations. She's totally go with the flow. She just wants everyone in this goddamn country to get along.

Background/family: two parents who will probably get a divorce in about 5 years, a little sister, and one best friend who is the favorite child of the family. Uh, grew up with a difficult childhood. Not in terms of her family not having money but she just had no friends and was bullied a lot (not to mention her dad rules with an iron fist). She moved schools a lot to try and help fix this problem but nothing worked. So, instead of letting bullies get her down in life or becoming a bully like them, she turned their harsh words into her current personality which is weird. Just plain weird.

Likes: Harry Potter, Star Wars, dogs (DOGGOS ARE LIFE I HAVE TWO), cats (I have a cat now, his name is Dave), coffee, art, photography, movies, music, roleplay, kids, the occasional drink or two (or three or four...), getting tattoos and spending all her money, apparently.

Dislikes: the division in America (it fucking sucks, let's all just be acquaintances, at least, please), politics, bullies, liars, mean people, school, those spelling and grammar nazis here (so if your one, get the fuck out of here because Leah dont like you and will roast the shit out of you). That was also a test for you guys. If you comment about that spelling and grammar error I made (on purpose) you will receive the wrath of Leah.

Job: student with a part time job at a restaurant and another part time job at Starbucks (coffeeeeeee ☕️😍)

Talents/hobbies: art, photography, nerding out on Harry Potter and Star Wars, failing at life, and art

So there you go! I'll probably add more later.

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