Chapter 2: Lukas

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"First day of school!" My dad kisses me on the cheek, fast. "Good luck, sport."

"Don't call me that," I mumble, trying to ignore the looks the other students gave me. "I'll be fine. Stop worrying."

"I'm sorry, son." Dad smiles. "But you know I can't help it. All your life, home schooled, and now-"

"And now," I interrupted, "you have a full-time job, which will be very good for us because we'll get tons of money, and going to public school doesn't cost much. Now go, before you are late to work and lose that job."

Grinning, Dad salutes me and drives off, leaving me to enter the middle school myself.

I slowly started to walk to the building, looking down as I drag each foot unwillingly. 'Why oh why do I have to do this?' I ask myself.

Suddenly, a hard push and I'm on the ground.

Scowling, and rubbing my head with one hand, I look up and immediately stare. A girl with beautiful dark black hair and dark skin stands above me, helping me up, her face slacked with horror.

"I'm so sorry!" she says, helping me pick up my bag and books that spilled out of it. "It's just, wow, I'm so clumsy, and I'm so nervous lately and have been acting like an oaf because it's a new school and 6th grade and everything-" she takes a pause to suck in a big breath then continues in the same nervous and fast voice. "Please forgive me, I'm so sorry, I-"

"Stop," I can't help smiling a bit at her. "It's fine. Really."

She smiles gratefully at me. "I'm Ginger," she says as I dust off my pants. "6th grader. New student."

"And I'm," I say gruffly, hoisting up my backpack, "Lukas. 7th grader. Also new student. Nice to meet you."

She smiled again. "Oh god, class starts any second!" her eyes widen and she runs off, calling behind her "See you later!" and waving.

"See you!" I call to her before also turning around and sprinting to class. 'Maybe middle school won't be like the books say after all,' I think.


Finally, classes were over. I breathed a sigh of relief. As much as I love to read and learn, I have ADHD and at home I was allowed to move around and things but oh, no way here.

Before I knew it, I stumbled into Ginger.

"Oh, hey!" Her cheeks are rosy and she looks breathless from all the running around.


"So, I was just about to walk home."

"Really? Me too."

I feel so dumb saying these things.

"Yeah. Do you want to walk together? I don't know the way home yet that well, and..."

"Oh, of course!" I said a little too quickly. "where do you live?"

She listed off her address and I recognize it as being two blocks away from mine.

"Oh, yeah, follow me. I know the area well," I say. I start off and she obediently walks behind me.

We chat the whole way.

About a block or two from her house, I hear a noise in the bushes. Nothing big, but still, I go over and check. "Wait here," I tell Ginger. "I think there might be a cat over there or something."

She backed away a little. "If there is, I'm allergic," she tells me, and I promise her not to get the cat near her. I tip toe over, to not scare the cat away. Suddenly, something grabs my foot and drags me in. I scream loudly, and the thing covers my eyes and mouth with duct tape. Then they stuff me into a bag.

I can't breathe.... I can't breathe! I panic, but soon find I can, even through my always snot-filled nose.

I hear Ginger scream loudly, and I try to scream out to her. I hear a deep voice say quietly: "Kill the mortal, and take away the demigod. Quickly."

'They are going to kill her...' I realize, and before I know what I'm doing, I'm kicking, punching the bag, fighting to get out, and when Ginger screams againI scream too.  I kick and fight until my bag opens and I feel something sharp, like a shot, go into my neck. The world starts spinning and it finally goes black, but not before I hear the words: "She's dead now. Let's go."

AN: Hi guys! New Percy Jackson fanfic! YAY! So yeah, it's called Fight For Freedom, and it has a few OCs in there, which adds a touch, I think. Anyways, please comment and read it, vote and add! Thanks!


PS. Tell me who's your favorite character.

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