Episode 2: Legacies of 2018

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Earth-38. National City, 2018

Kara marched to James' office, her flats nearly slipping off her feet in her haste to get there. She dropped the papers onto his desk.

"I got it. The evidence to continue the story behind Lord Technologies. They've been stockpiling leftover Daxamite tech, and weaponizing them. I even have a source. Another source."

James studied the folder she had plopped onto his desk. "The pictures are of low quality. You're going to need better proof."

"So the story is a go?"

James leaned back in his chair. "I don't see why not. Get better pictures and perhaps a recorded interview with your source. That should be enough."

Kara grinned. "Yes! I'll go now."

Her phone beeped. She groaned as she pulled it out. It was the DEO. So she rushed out to the elevator. Once she was out of any camera shot, she took her civilian clothes off and took to the skies.

Kara almost took her time circling National City, until she spotted the DEO headquarters among the city's many blue skyscrapers. She swooped down until she landed quickly inside.

Winn and Jonn were waiting for her at the table, the monitors alive with scanning tech with maps of National City.

"What are you looking for?"

"I just received a message from the President. Apparently a ship crashed just a few miles from here. They've covered up the best they could, but whoever was in the pod escaped, presumably heading here. So she needs Supergirl on the case."

Kara crossed her arms. "Do we know anything about the ship?"

They pulled up a picture of it. It was a bit fuzzy. But Kara could make out the intricate wings, the sides of its body painted with stylistic feathers. She recognized it immediately.

"A Thanagarian ship."

"Thanagarian," Winn muttered. "What were those again." He typed a few quick commands. The DEO had quite the lengthy file on them. Including some interdimensional data given to them from the Legends. Two of their previous team members had been exposed to a meteor from there, and had developed the ability to reincarnate. They also had the ability to summon hawk-like wings; therefore named Hawkgirl and Hawkman.

Dr. Stein had even sent the DEO their genetic profiles. Not only on their methylation profiles, but also at the DNA level, their genetic material now contained foreign sequences that matched the DEO's few profiles of a Thanagarian.

"Thanagar, located in the Polaris Galaxy. Their entire planet is pretty much a police state. Humanoid-avian hybrids. Enhanced strength and speed, but not as heightened compared to Kryptonian levels. Enough to give you trouble though. In their star system, they've already established an Empire. Currently at war with the planet Rann."

"I'll go to the bar," Kara said. "If the Thanagarian is looking for someone or something, he'll make contact there first. It's an alien haven after all."

"I don't think you'll need to do that," Winn said. "Just got an alert from Lord Technologies. Someone has broken into the storage warehouse. Someone of the alien variety."

"I'm on it."


Earth-1. Central City. 2018

Team Arrow and Team Flash convened at the STAR Labs warehouse once again.

"Man, this brings back memories," Cisco said, rubbing his hands together. "Kicking alien ass."

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