Chapter 23 - Survival of the Fittest

Start from the beginning

From 7.02 - Hello, Cruel World: In the Singer Salvage Yard, Catty was on the car, picking up a crowbar to hit Edgar in the head, making him let go of Scarlett. Scarlett picked up the fallen crowbar to stab Edgar with it, making let Catty go. Dean shot Edgar in the side of the head with a shotgun. Sam ran up, punching Edgar in the face, making him back away. Catty hit the button to eject to the car, making it fall toward Edgar. The car crushed onto Edgar. Black ooze spread from under the car around his hand, which was the only part of him visible.

From 7.07 - The Mentalists: In the cemetery, Kate Fox rushed toward Dean. Scarlett stroke a match, dropping it into the grave, setting the bones ablaze. Kate's Ghost started to burn out of existence, soaring through Dean.

From 7.18 - Party On, Garth: In the brewery, Ness plunged the sword into the direction Scarlett and Catty had told her, letting the sword go, watching as it stayed in the air. The Shojo materialized around the sword, screaming, falling to the floor, disappearing.

From 7.04 - Defending Your Life: Outside Neal's Tavern, Dean and Scarlett restrained Osiris from behind. Sam stabbed Osiris in the back with the ram's horn. Osiris' eyes changed to blue light. His face cracked as he fell to the ground.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: At Frank's House, Ness opened the door slowly, looking inside cautiously. Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Sam were behind her.

From 7.03 - The Girl Next Door: In Amy's motel room, Dean stabbed Amy in the heart, killing her.

From 7.19 - Of Grave Importance: In the Van Ness House, Victoria appeared behind Sam, Dean, Catty, Scarlett and Ness. They turned toward Victoria, raising their shotguns.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the cell, Leviathan!Brett grabbed Catty and Scarlett's shoulders, morphing back into the form of Catty, transforming. Her mouth enlarged. Her teeth turned long and jagged. A two-pronged tongue unfurled. Catty and Scarlett cringed back, unable to move or fight back. Ness and Dean arrived behind Leviathan!Catty. Dean splashed Leviathan!Catty with Borax. Ness used the ax to cut off Leviathan!Catty's head.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the bank, Leviathan!Sam, Leviathan!Catty, Leviathan!Scarlett and Leviathan!Dean raised their rifles, firing endless rounds into the room, making people scream, people die, and blood splatter everywhere.

From 7.14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie: In the street, The airplane lunged toward Dean. Dean raised his arms to shield himself, knowing there was nowhere he could run. The airplane vanished in an explosion of glitter, covering Dean's body completely.

From 7.19 - Of Grave Importance: In Ness' Car, Ness struggled to hold onto the steering wheel, trying to get it under control. Whitman appeared between Dean and Ness, letting go of the steering wheel, turning around, strangling Sam. Ness pulled over at the side of the road. Scarlett and Catty turned in their seats, shooting Whitman with the salt shotguns, making him disappear.

From 7.05 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil: In the Stark House, Sam, Dean, Scarlett and Catty were standing together. Dean was carrying the bowl. Sam stroke a match, dropping it into the bowl, making it catch fire. White smoke and steam rose.

From 7.21 - Reading Is Fundamental: In Castiel's hospital room, Sam drew Octavia's Angel Sword, using it to slash into the male Angel's stomach, making it shine with white light.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In Connor's Diner, Leviathan!Catty and Leviathan!Scarlett were standing on the counter, raising their guns, firing. They were spinning around slowly and rocking back and forth as if dancing to music, having fun with killing people.

From 7.19 - Of Grave Importance: In the Van Ness Mausoleum, Ness and Dean salted the bones of Whitman. Catty and Scarlett poured lighter fluid over them. Sam lit the match, throwing it onto the bones. The bones lit ablaze immediately.

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