Month 00 | Day 03

37 0 0

[ June 2018 | Around 12:30 PM Korean Standard Time ]

I am surrounded by familiar faces yet they're all strangers to me and I to them. In a sea of famous people, where flashing lights are their living, I am nothing but an ant just waiting for the final moment to be stepped on or be squished.

But here I am, still breathing. The MC just announced it was time for lunch. Everyone stood up on each table starting from the tables at the first row. "Wow, it's really going to be self-service?"

"You're surprised?" That's my boss. Korean, 40-ish, small eyes, slender, very white, funny at times but very strict when it comes to work matters. "It's like this after all these years, aren't you used to it yet?"

I work for MS Entertainment (A/N: LMAOOOOOOO) as a marketing researcher. I've been an employee for seven years but it's only my second time attending a general assembly for all bosses, artists, and staff. I've seen some of the artists before and it was all just normal for me.

Maybe because I've never liked any K-Pop, C-Pop, or J-Pop songs, (I listen to them at times as part of my job), or maybe because it's just that I'm uninterested-probably one of the factors why I got this job.

"It's not that I don't want to stand up and get my own food, manager-nim," I defended, "I'm just still surprised why don't they just hire waiters to serve the food? I thought this assembly was supposed to be a relaxing time for everyone?"

"Yes, you have a point," my manager approves. "But I think getting their own food from the main table with their co-employees and friends is also a fun way to get to know each other, right?"

I just nodded. He has a point. I looked around and seeing almost everyone laughing and goofing around with each other. Some are busy sharing stories, some are already busy with their food.

Then I suddenly felt an urge to pee. I went to the comfort room and excused myself to my boss and the others in our table. After going back, they have plates already with their chosen food on their hands. My boss saw me, "Hey, Sea! Go get your food now too!"

I picked up a plate and started to walk around. There were lots of food to choose from! Ah, I'm so happy. I thought to myself and smiled for a bit. I picked up some small portions of teriyaki chicken, vegetables, and some sweets. My smile even widen when I saw the Italian Food section. There were waiters around but unfortunately there was only one in this section and he's busy catering to a girl group. I sighed, "Okay, let's do this."

I got bread first. Then pasta... Oh my God, which one do I get? There were different kinds of pastas in front of me and how they are called (written on the menu card) are all too unfamiliar to me!

I then just settled for the most familiar taste I know-lasagna. I was overly excited (and hungry) that I scooped a huge proportion of pasta. I panicked a little bit right after because some of the pasta were stucked on the serving fork and it looked so presentable before but now it looked like the pasta was destructed by a storm. I wqs holding the plate on my left hand and the other to fix the "serving look" of the pasta. It was quite embarassing because if someone would see me, they would think I'm a glutton and really dead hungry.

I rushed and tried to get it off the fork until I heard someone beside me speak. A voice all too familiar. A voice I heard somewhere I just don't know where. A voice as deep as the ocean. "Oh, here, let me help you with that."

My jaw literally dropped. It was Doh Kyungsoo.

• • •

December 03, 2018

13:20 PM Philippine Standard Time

That was the first day. Today marks our seventy eight week. I never knew that the beeeeeest food in the world (for me) which is lasagne would be the reason why I got to meet the man I love and the man who loves me as much.

It was really embarassing. How he giggled a bit because it was absolutely obvious that I fangirled over him as I wasn't able to talk or move an inch. How his hand touched mine when he asked if it was okay if he'll be the one to hold it for me so he can get me the food properly. How he asked me, "Is this enough.... Chel?" while putting more lasagna onto my plate. And how I wished I sink deep down the ground when I asked him how did he know my name and he answered, "Oh, your tag." (Nametag)

Nonetheless, after all these months I've known him, and had the chance to be close to him, I've never been embarassed like that again. Instead, he always makes me feel flattered. Flattered in such a way that I would never forget even for a second that a man like him, someone like Doh Kyung Soo, loves me whole-heartedly, someone who keeps me reminded that despite all my imperfections, I am a woman made to be protected, adored, and loved.

- - -

Author's Note:

I deeply apologize for publishing this late! I've been very busy for the past few days and I feel bad I couldn't make it on time ㅠㅠ I'll try and make the chapters even better next time~

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