Epilogue: The Secret the Two of Us Made That Summer

Start from the beginning

Only her deceased father had ever viewed her as a unique child.

However, Mr. Polar Star's friend did say this.

That she was rather cute.

And that if Mr. Polar Star was on Earth, he definitely would say the same thing, for he truly loved Beni.

There was someone other than her father who would truly love her, and there was someone who would find Beni, who tried to hide her presence amidst the lively, pretty girls.

And so, she believed Tayū's words.

"That was like a fated meeting!"

Surely, there would be fated meetings in friendship too.

Tayū held Beni's hands tightly, staring at her. Beni could feel a tense atmosphere.

Her father and Mr. Polar Star had both said that the tip of her nose would redden when she was cute but even so, Beni said,

"So-sorry to make you be my stand in! Le-let's go eat at Mr. McDonalds."

♢ ♢ ♢

A few hours after he bid farewell to Saffloer.

Saffloer sent an image to Koremitsu's cellphone.

There was a photo of both Saffloer and Saffron holding burgers over their heads, smiling heartily as they took a photo together.

"It really is a great thing to be able to have friends."


Koremitsu and Hikaru closed in on the cellphone screen. Both their voices were full of life.

However, there was still an unresolved doubt in Koremitsu's heart.

Upon thinking about that, he scowled.

(What do I do...about Shikibu...? Invite her to the pool again...? But she told me 'never mind already', and won't be willing to go with me again...it's so noisy down there too...I don't think it'll be suitable for some serious topics.)

Hikaru watched Koremitsu frown and wince in anguish, and chimed in,

"Koremitsu, you are thinking about Miss Shikibu, right?"

"Ack, you know how to read hearts?"

"I do not have to. You have clearly expressed your thoughts on your face."


So my expression can be read so easily. Koremitsu muttered.

"Would it not be a good idea to discuss this with me instead of bottling it up and frowning? I do know and understand about girls better than you after all."

Hikaru stared at Koremitsu with an earnest, gentle expression.

"I wish to repay you as much as I can while I am still on this world." Koremitsu recalled the words Hikaru said.

"Just as you fulfilled for me one promise after another, I want to repay you with what I can do, within my capabilities."

"I-I'll leave it to you..."

Koremitsu said in a teeny-weeny voice, his cheeks searing, his sweat dripping, as he ostensibly struggled.

Hikaru raised his lips and cheeks, heartily responding,

"Sure. Leave it to me."

♢ ♢ ♢

(Why's Akagi asking me out now...?)

"Suetsumuhana" - Hikaru ga Chikyuu ni Itakoro......(Volume 5)Where stories live. Discover now