Chapter 18 - Party On, Garth

Start from the beginning

Catty and Scarlett struggled against their hold. Dean punched Demon 3. Demon 3 pushed Dean into some shelves, making him fall to the floor. He gripped Ness by her jacket collar, pushing her against a shelf, making the shelf and Ness fall to the floor, with Ness landing on the shelf. Demon 3 stepped closer to Ness. He stopped suddenly, flashing with red. Demon 1 and Demon 2 let Catty and Scarlett go, smoking out, disappearing, the host falling to the floor. Catty and Scarlett turned to face them. Demon 3 fell to the floor. Meg had been the one to stab him, holding Catty's Knife.

Scarlett, Ness and Catty sighed. "Meg."

Meg looked at Dean and Ness. "Rumors are really starting to fly about you two. Took you long enough to get hitched to Dean, Ness." Ness looked at her in annoyance. Meg looked at Catty. "And you, baby mamas, and those kids of yours. And these Emmanuel and William fellows. Imagine my surprise when I tracked you four, followed you to Emmanuel and William. And they're the spitting image of poor, dead Castiel and Angelos. Right now, rumors of these wandering healers are strictly low-level. But body count's getting high enough to change that. Folks start poking, they sniff Angel dust."

"Yeah, they start falling all over each other trying to tell Crowley and Zane about Cas and Los," Scarlett told them.

"And they're just gunning for you and Catty lately, Scarlett," Meg told her.

"Yeah, why is that?" Scarlett asked. "They said they wanted us to hunt Levis and then--"

"Then what?" Meg asked. "Give you your kids back? Sorry, times have changed. The brats are rebelling until they get to see their parents. They think their daddies are dead, but they know their mothers are alive. Apparently, they've been teaching them, and they've stopped instruction lessons until they see you two. That's why they're all out for you again."

Ness looked at Dean, Catty and Scarlett seriously, thoughtfully. "So, Zane and Crowley really do have them."

From 7.16 - Out With the Old: Frank and Catty/Scarlett's phone conversation. (Frank's Trailer and snow-covered riverside.)

"But even if you take out Dick Roman and the Levis, what makes you think you can protect those kids from every other Levi or monster on the face of the earth?" Frank asked.

"I don't know, but we're gonna die trying," Catty told him.

From 7.17 - Born-Again Identity: In Sam's hospital room, Castiel looked at Catty. "You have to find them.

"Cas, that's been on the agenda for a long time coming now," Catty told him.

Castiel slowly nodded, slowly sitting next to Sam on the bed. "I'll be fine."

Sam flinched. Castiel put a hand on Sam's head. Sam groaned in pain, his face and eyes glowing red. The red traveled up Castiel's arm and face, his eyes turning red. Sam groaned in pain, gasping for breath.

From 7.17 - Born-Again Identity: Outside the hospital, Angelos looked at the Winchesters. "I'm not trusting Meg alone with Cas. And after killing all of those Demons last night and making my condition worse, weakening me, I'm in no shape to be out there yet, not against Leviathans. So, until I'm back in fighting shape, and until Cas is better, we both stay here. Catty, Scar, we will find our children. Wherever they are. Sam, Dean, Ness, just make sure that they stay safe while you're all looking for our children."

Ness nodded. "Of course. We're not gonna let anything happen to them, Los. Not if we can help it."

"I have plenty of reason to worry about you, Los," Scarlett replied. "But when you tell me that you and Cas are gonna be okay here... I believe you."

Scarlett and Angelos looked at each other sadly, embracing.


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