Chapter Twenty Three: Kidnapped Part Four

Start from the beginning

Bob turned toward the camera suddenly lunged at it that anyone viewing the footage would've jumped from his unsuspected action. His hands gripped on either sides of the camera. The camera captured his entire face and nothing else.

"Listen closely, Simpson," Bob began, "If you want her alive and in one piece, you mustn't tell anyone about this videos discovery. You are to meet me ten days from now in the Springfield forest at the abandoned campsite. I'll be waiting by the big tree in the middle of the campsite."

"I will be waiting for you. If you aren't there between 3:00 am - 5:30 am, the only thing that will be here is her severed head and rotting corpse."

"If there is police already waiting at the location for me, or you've tried to set up a trap for me, consider your little girlfriend as good as dead, because I won't hesitate to blow her brains out in front of you with this." he reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out a revolver and brought it into the cameras view. (Y/n) visibly quivered, her teeth clattering in fear.

Bob twirled the gun in his hands effortlessly.

"And there is no coming back from a killing now is there?" the gun then twirled out of control and slipped from his grasp.

Bob's and (Y/n)'s eyes expanded. Bob emitted nervous sounds from his mouth as he tried to grab the gun a few times but failed miserably. The firearm kept slipping from his hands before it finally clattered to the ground.

Bob and (Y/n) both shrieked and covered themselves. Well, she covered herself the best she could in the chains. They both heard the gun met with the ground and expected gunfire to happen. They expected the loud ricochet of the bullet exploding from the gun, but it never came. After a moment of nothing happening, the two of them hesitantly opened their eyes and looked over at the gun on the ground.

A quizzical expression crossed Bob's face. He looked over at (Y/n)-who held the same confused face- for an answer and she just shrugged. He went over to retrieve the gun from the ground and into his grasp. He checked the barrel and realized that there was no bullets. He sighed in relief.

"Oh, dear. Good thing that it wasn't loaded. Hah, can you imagine if it was?" he chuckled nervously.

"Um, we're getting off topic. Anyway," he cleared his throat.

"If you want her alive, give yourself up to me, meet me at the destination I gave you, and keep your mouth sealed shut to the police and to your friends and family. Or else," he said as he aimed towards (Y/n). She stiffened up and her body began shaking like a leaf. Even if it wasn't loaded, she was still scared.

Bob walked in front of the camera with a smirk on his face.

"See you soon~" he reached his hand over and touched a button on the camera.

The smirk vanished after he thought the camera was off, but he had a feeling it was still filming.

"Is it off yet?" he asked to himself, his hands roaming around the camera. It picked up the sounds of his hands shuffling around the camera as he tried to find if it was still on or not.

"No, it's still it?" he checked the lens and was able to see small red lights around the lens that flashed every couple of seconds.

He turned himself around and faced (Y/n).

"Is the red lights mean it's still on?"

She nodded her head slowly.

"Yes.." she replied.

"Alright," he responded and moved his way to behind the camera.

He noticed that the Lcd display was indeed still recording.

"Yeah, it's still filming," he stated out loud. "Now how do this button that turns it off?" he questioned, mostly to himself.

His finger pressed a button and it didn't do anything to stop the filming.

"No..what about that one?"

For a few moments he stood there trying to find the off buttom but was unsuccessful in every attempt. (Y/n) just watched that unfold, feeling some amusement from the situation. Bob was growing more impatient and groaned frustratingly.

"Oh, for heavens sake!"

He slammed his finger against a button and the camera finally cut to static.

《I'm In Love》Bart Simpson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now