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"I'm leaving for work, there's a twenty on the counter for pizza, your room and the house better be clean before he gets here." His mom nagged.

"Yes mom I know, I know." He rolled his eyes.

Tj ran up the stairs and hurriedly shoved his dirty clothes under his freshly made bed and wiped some dust off of his desk with his sleeve.

Hearing the doorbell ring he hastily ran down the stairs while wiping the dust off of his sleeve onto his pants.

"Hi!" Tj stood awkwardly at the door letting Cyrus in.

"Hi?" Cyrus laughed at the awkwardness from Tj's voice.

"Well, my room is up this way if you wanna come up."

They sat on Tj's bed and Cyus began to pull out his books.

"Oh, you actually plan on studying?" Tj laughed.

"Well yeah I thought that was the plan?"

"Well I thought you were just joking."

"We don't have to study if you don't want to."

"No, you're probably right, we should." Tj blushed from the misunderstanding.

"We don't have to if you don't want to, really."

"No, I promise it's okay.

Cyrus smiled down at the floor.

"Is it okay if I put on some music?"

"Depends, is it good?" Cyrus thought about all the possible things Tj could listen to. He shuttered at the thought of Tj playing xxxtentacion or lil anything.

"It's a mix of girl in red and clairo, maybe a little conan gray."

Cyrus raised his eyebrow in disbelief.

"Haha very funny. Its Blake Shelton's top hits or something isn't it?"

Tj glared at him.

"Gross. How dare you." Tj said clicking play on his self declared "indie" playlist.

"Sorry you just kinda don't seem like the type to listen to that kinda music."

"I'm not a monster. I know good music." Tj laughed and opened his book.

After about an hour Cyrus had already finished his homework and Tj only had three problems done.

"I'm so fucking dumb." Tj mumbled to himself.

"Hey don't say that."

"Well it's true."

"You're not dumb, you're just being hard on yourself."

"No I'm stupid."

"All you have to do is ask for help. That was the whole point of me coming over, remember?" Cyrus scooted knee to knee close to Tj. He grabbed the paper and put it in his lap.

As Cyrus explained to him how to do the problems, Tj starred at Cyrus's lips and his eyes. He should've been listening but instead he was thinking about how perfect cyrus was.

"Got it?"

"Probably not." Tj smiled.

"We've been at this for awhile, let's take break."

"Yeah, that sounds good. Are you hungry? My mom left money for pizza."

"Yeah, that sounds good!"

Tj called and ordered the pizza while Cyrus picked a movie.

"Is this one okay?" Cyrus pleaded with his eyes for Tj to say yes.

"The fault in our stars. Really." Tj laughed

"I can pick a different one if you want." Cyrus stood looking at his feet disappointed.

Tj stood at the island in the kitchen pouring a cup of pop for the both of them. "I was just teasing. I'll put it in a few."

Cyrus smiled at his response and ran upstairs to grab Tj's comforter.

After Tj paid for the pizza, they both grabbed their plates and got what they wanted. They sat on the couch next to each other and put the blanket over their laps.

Into the part where Augustus dies Cyrus heard a sniffle. He looked over and seen a tear running down Tj's face. Cyrus sneakily took a picture of Tj.

"Are you crying?"

"No. It's just my allergies."

"Sure alright, whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Quit bullying me."

"Ok Mr.Sensitive." Cyrus giggled.

Once the movie was over, Tj got up to put another one in.

Cyrus grunted and crossed his arms. "I was so comfortable how could you."

Tj shook his head and put in the Hannah Montana movie just to get a reaction out of cyrus.

"Are we seriously gonna sit here and watch this entire movie?" Cyrus secretly hoped he was gonna say yes.

"Yeah, got a problem?"


The boys are sat very close together and they're hands are brushed up against each other's under the blanket.

Tj felt a shift and looked over to see Cyrus's head on his shoulder. He just smiled and turned the TV down.

He was very careful not to move in hopes off not waking Cyrus. Tj so desperately wanted to get up and put another movie in but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He didn't really understand why, because if it was another guy off of the basketball team, he would've just pushed him off. He just pushed the thought to the back of his mind and rested his head on his other shoulder.

Tj woke up suddenly around eleven. He rubbed his eyes and tapped on Cyrus's shoulder. Cyrus gasped and stretched his arms out

"It kinda late, we should head up."

"Yeah, I suppose."

They both dragged their feet up the stairs and into Tj's room.

"I'll take the floor, you can have the bed."

"You know we can share the bed right?"

"Yeah I know but that's like weird."

"Oh yeah ok."

Cyrus set all of their homework and books onto Tj's desk and crawled into his bed. Within minutes both of them were passed out.


I swear to god I don't usually make my chapters so short,, also if I ever don't update and you want me to,, comment please... it gives me motivation.

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