Settling down

441 7 11

I got some sexy moira acrylics so excuse my typing. XD


The cafeteria was full. The separate groups sat at their respective tables, the commanders sat at the far end of the room watching over the rest of the area.

(Y/n) sat with the rest of the blackwatch unit, picking at her food. Moira made a beeline for that table, avoiding the questioning stares from the other agents, they were beneath her, their opinions were worthless.

(Y/n) glanced up from her food, locking eyes with the genetecist. She placed her plate on the table infront of her, picking up a knife and fork from the tray.

"(Y/n), its rude to stare," a voice snickered, a sharp pain followed, Jesse elbowing you in the side.

Genji merely smirked, continuing to poke at the plate that lay, uselessly, in front of him.

You shook your head, catching the back of Jessies head in a harsh slap, knocking his hat off onto the table.

"I wasn't staring, i just noticed your eyes..." you retorted, earning a smile from the older woman.

"Do you not like them?" She feigned hurt, raising a hand to her chest.

"No, i mean... yes... their beautiful." You stumbled over your words in panic.

"I was joking, but thank you anyway. Its nice to be apriciated every now and then," Moira reasured, "So, your the current medic for the blackwatch unit, what feild were you in prior to joining the team?"

"I was a combat medic, i always wanted to help and after Gabe joined the fight i knew i was destined to follow him." You smiled, recalling memories from the past. "I studdied alongside the medic for the strike team, Angela."

"I am familiar with her work, you must alow us to meet sometime." Moira spoke, intrest clear in her voice, a twang of jellousy hit you in the chest.

"Sure,  gota wait for her to get off of the mission shes out on.." you responded.

"I have work to get on with." She glanced up from her now empty plate, "ill see you later?" Her accent wavered. You merely nodded in response.

Moira rose from her seat, walking away calmly.

"So, when you gona ask her?" Jesse asked.

"Shut up, McCree.." you retorted, geting up to leave.


Ive never struggled to write something more in my life...


Im not taking them off though..

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