She smiled, gazing at her open door, "Yes, everything is good here."

After some discussion with her mother, Scarlet told her goodbye as her mother reminded her to call more often. "Be sure to come back home for the Christmas family gathering, okay?" Her mother reminded her.

Scarlet groaned lightly, completely forgetting about the gathering, "I will mother," she responded unsurely while wondering if she can bring Raoul. There was a part of Scarlet that wanted her parents to adopt Raoul, since being an only child can often get lonely.

Then again, does she want Raoul as her sibling?

She doesn't understand why, but she enjoys Raoul's presence. Everything about him was comforting...warm...innocent.

Scarlet hops down the stairs, seeing Raoul staring at the bowl of fruits while Annabella was sitting in the living room, knitting them new sweaters.

"What's wrong, Raoul?" Scarlet asked, grabbing a bright red apple and bit it.

He held an orange in the air, "Why is this call an orange" he placed a crayon beside it, "and this is also called orange?"

Scarlet brows furrowed as she swallowed the piece of the apple. "The color orange is named after the appearance of the ripe orange fruit. The word comes from the Old French orange, from the old term for the fruit, pomme d' orangec."

Raoul licked his lips, "What about the dessert pie and the mathematical symbol pi? Why are they name nearly the same?"

Scarlet sat on the table, kicking her feet back and forth. "Pie has a circle shape. Pi is the ratio between the circumference and the diameter of a circle. Therefore, you can measure how much pastry you need by using some mathematical calculations involving pi. Also, the pie is pi but with an e on the end. E represents an exponential function. E^x is an exponential growth that goes higher and higher until x reaches infinity."

Raoul's eyes widen as his brain attempt to catch up with Scarlet's explanation. He lifted his hands in the air and began clapping ecstatically while Annabella shook her head and walked out.

Suddenly he stood up and lifted his shirt. Instantly, Scarlet hopped off the table and took a step back, trying not to stare at his sculpted muscles. "Why is it appropriate for males to show their nipples, but females can't?" he walks towards Scarlet and grabs the hem of her shirt, lifting it. "Why do females get to wear these things while males don't?" he asked, pointing at her red lace bra.


"Why are there two big things on your chest, but I don't have them?" he grabs her breast causing her to choke momentarily. "And why do they feel so good? Can I have one too?" he questions, squeezing her chest, causing her breast to perk in excitement.

Raoul smiled as Scarlet attempted to gather her thoughts. "And why do I have these?" he asked, grabbing his sweatpants and pulled it down.

Instantly, Scarlet turned around and covered her eyes. "Pull your pants up right now!"

"But, there might be something wrong with me, Scarlet! I have these things between my legs! Look at them!"

"I swear Raoul, pull your pants up, or we aren't going to the bookstore!"

Raoul pouted and pulled his pants up. "Scarlet? I pull them up. Raoul is a good boy, so let's go," he whined, tugging against her shirt.

At the bookstore, Scarlet pretended to read while peeking at Raoul, who was utterly entranced with the book in front of him. Scarlet was on one side of the shelf while Raoul was on the other side. Raoul glanced upward and smiled at her, showing off every single one of his teeth, causing her to blush deeply.

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