Chapter 12

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Chapter 12- D’Shane’s POV


“Mistress please you need to give me more time,” I pleaded

"Your time is up D'Shane...obviously you're not up for the job, which is perfectly fine. It's a shame I have to kill you now though; you were really starting to grow on me."

I watched in horror as I saw the mistress' eyes flash gold; indicating that she was about to shift. I racked my brains for anything that I could say which would change the mistress' mind about killing me.

"SHE'S MY MATE!" I suddenly blurted out.

“She’s what...” Mistress replied as her eyes changed once again from her dangerous gold back to her usual black.

“My mate...” I whispered

I watched as confusion along with many other emotions flashed in mistress' eyes. Eventually her eyes became a sparkly black colour which told me that she was more human than wolf so she was not going to shift.

With a voice filled with excitement and glee the mistress replied.

"How long have you known?"

"Not long," I lied spontaneously 

"Does she bear your mark?"

"Not yet... But only because I haven't been able to get her alone”


I watched as mistress paced back and forth in her hideout. She was obviously contemplating whether I was telling the truth or not and for the sake of my life, I seriously hoped she would believe me.

After what felt like an age the mistress finally stopped pacing, stood in front of me and gestured for me to stand up. I took this as an opportunity to leave and started for the door.

“Hold on!” Mistress barked

I stopped dead in my tracks, fingers hovering over the door. I didn’t even bother to turn around until the mistress ordered me to.

“LOOK AT ME!” The mistress said

I turned slowly...

“Now listen up and listen good. You now have a new assignment. You will mate this girl by the end of the week. You will use the fact that you are her mate to get closer to the family and to the brother and after about a week you will strike. You will kill the brother but leave no evidence to suggest it was you. Watch as your mate pines for her brother and when you can see that she has truly hit rock bottom... you kill her too. Understand?”

I stood with my mouth open in shock, attempting to process what the mistress had just said. When I noticed that the mistress was expecting me to reply I meekly nodded, turned and left.

As I made a break for the tree lines I replayed the scene over and over in my head.

“You will kill the brother but leave no evidence to suggest it was you. Watch as your mate pines for her brother and when you can see that she has truly hit rock bottom... you kill her too. Understand?”

“You will kill the brother but leave no evidence to suggest it was you. Watch as your mate pines for her brother and when you can see that she has truly hit rock bottom... you kill her too. Understand?”

The mistress’ last words played over and over in my head as I ran back to my house

Then a new problem hit me which stopped me dead in my tracks.


Don’t get me wrong, telling the mistress that Soraya was my mate seemed clever at the time but that was only because I didn’t want her to kill me. But now that realisation has set in, convincing Soraya that she is my mate when she actually isn’t is going to be hard. Really hard!

Although to be fair she is probably attracted to me... I mean I’m not trying to be vain or anything but I am remarkably good looking. But knowing Soraya that’s not enough to go on. In fact if I know Soraya as well as I hope I do... she’s one of those soppy girls looking for a freaking love story. A mate who will love her and cherish her and bend to her every whim.

She’s not stupid. She obviously knows what kind of attraction she will feel when she meets her mate. It’ll be the kind of attraction you read about in books you know. A love at first sight sort of thing. The whole corny romantic business of two people meeting at a train station or something. They glance at each other once and they’re smitten. Actually that’s probably exactly how Soraya pictures meeting her mate.

 The point I’m trying to make is that if I want to live to see 30, I’m going to have to up my game. I’m going to have to make Soraya fall in love with me. I’m going to have to make Soraya trust me. And most importantly, I’m going to have to make Soraya believe that she is my mate.



This chapter is a bit of a filler which kind of leads on to what I’m about to do next. Sort of...

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