I Think You'd Be Good To Me

Start bij het begin

I grabbed a dark blue pair from my luggage and passed back through the group and to the bathrooms. We kept it surprisingly clean. I changed quickly and returned to the group all talking. Chris looked up and smiled at me.

"Alright everyone ready?" Ryan asked. "And if anyone gets too drunk tell me and we'll carry you out. That means you Skylar."

"What!" She exclaimed. We laughed.

Chris and I were the last two to leave the bus. He held my hand as we walked and we shared a cigarette as we walked behind the group. The setting sun was beautiful against the clouds and the breeze was perfect. But as we crossed the street, my nerves began again. I had only been to a bar once before and that was just bad so I hadn't gone again. Too much grinding, too many creepy drunk guys trying to get laid.

But this was going to be a little different, all it was were the bands we were on your with. So no strangers really, which calmed me a bit. This time I wouldn't drink too much because I had a horrible time after I had first drank.

When we go there, Ry grabbed my shoulder.

"Just have fun with Chris okay? He clearly wants to be here with you." She whispered in my ear then disappeared with that Pete guy from earlier. I looked over at him and he smiled at me and we followed the others inside.

This could either be really fun or I won't remember anything in the morning.

"I love how most of us here are underage but still they rent this shit out for us to get wasted." I laughed, as we walked in. The bar wasn't dirty like I had thought it would be. When you walked straight in it was like you walked in the long half of a rectangle. On the opposing wall there was a bar and some bathrooms. On one half there was a dance floor and some loud ass punk, rock, and dub step music. On the other half were various tables and couches and chairs.

"Well that's Warped for you." Chris laughed.

"Want me to grab you a drink?"


"What do you want?" He asked as he started to back away towards the bar. Still holding my hand.

"Whatever you get." I smiled.

"Will do." He smiled back and let go of my hand as he went to get our drinks.

I looked around for my friends, I noticed Dylan's bright blue hair standing around the dance floor talking with some of the guys from Of Mice And Men. Neal was over getting a drink with some girl he met on tour, and only god knows where in hell Ry is.

I had moved over to the couches and leaned against one and watched the people around me. Chris returned shortly, handed me my drink, and leaned against the couch right besides me.

"So, how do you like Warped so far?" he asked, great I love awkward small talk with attractive guys it never ends well.

"It's pretty much a dream come true, I mean we've all wanted this for so long. We looked up to half the bands here growing up. I mean look at Dylan hes trying not to fan boy over there with Austin." I pointed to him. Chris chuckled. "So yeah, I'm enjoying it."

"That's good, this is like my second time here I think, maybe third?" He laughed and shrugged. "I like broke my foot or something on the last one."

We laughed between each other and continued small talk until a drunken Ry-Sky wobbled over to us. Looking pale in her dark skin.

"Hey guys." She said quietly, and the loud music didn't help either.

"Sup." Chris and I said simultaneously.

"Maybe I should sit down." She turned and left moving over to a couch and passing out almost instantly.

"I don't even bother with her anymore." I laughed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw some guy staring at me. Not in a creepy way but he leaned over and told his friends something. I looked away and carried on a conversation with Chris.

"I'm going to grab another drink, you want any?" He asked.

"Nah I think I'm good for now."

"Alright, be right back." He smiled at me and left, I glanced around the room. The boy from before now began walking over to me. I just sort of stared at him.

"Hey, My names Kellin, you're November right?" He asked, I know this guy! He's from Sleeping With Sirens!

"Yeah, that's me. What's up?" I asked with a small smile.

"I just noticed you were hanging out with that Drew kid. Are you two like a thing or?" He asked. Why did it matter to him.

"Well no, I mean not really....Well kinda." I was totally indecisive.

He lowered his voice. "I just wanted to warn you about him."

"What?" I asked.

"He has a reputation among the roadies here." He looked around quickly. "He's the sleep around sort of guy. Into drugs and stuff like that. Just keeping an eye out for you kid."

"Well, thanks." I didn't quite know what to say.

"Just be careful." He said. Just then Chris came back and leaned on the sofa next to me.

"Hey Kellin." He said.

"Sup dude!" They did like the little bro hug thing then talked about bands then Kellin left.

"Why was he over here?" Christofer asked me.

"Oh, He just wanted to say hi, since we are new on tour he was going around and greeting everybody." I said. Lying was my strong spot.

"Cool, but I think that dude hates me." He laughed.

"Well you two were quite buddy buddy. Kinda like two teenage girls that hate each other but still act like friends." I laughed.

"I suppose." He laughed.

I really didn't want to believe what Kellin had said. I mean I couldn't really, maybe it was because I liked him? But we all have dark sides, maybe that was just his.

Eventually we met up with our bands and talked and Ry dragged me out to the dance floor to dance with her which was more of me holding her up and her jumping everywhere. Which led me to think, Where is that Pete dude?

Overall I did what Ry wanted me to do, have a good time with Chris. Sure we didn't do what other party goers were doing but we laughed, joked around, got buzzed.

And at the end of the night, we kissed again, with more passion, but basically out in front of everyone. So it wasn't a secret anymore we had feelings for each other. It wasn't a quick kiss either but to me in went by fast. He hugged me and said good night then disappeared in his bus with Taylor and Hayden.

Tell me how Skylar didn't leave me alone, or the rest of the band and crew.


So y'all should totally check out @Panic4panic's Brallon and Peterick fics because i cant even they are so good and not to mention she's such a fantabulous friend of mine!


Hazel Eyes (Christofer Drew)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu