Server Shenanigans

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The male teen teen clicked the yes button and came onto the chat.

Cat_Claws: Did you know that female Elephant seals only grown up to 3.5 meters?

I_Want_To_Die: Did you know male ones grow up to 5.7 meters long at least?

You: Wtf

Dark_Lord: It is three at night time, is this how you are normally like?

Cat_Claws: Yes

You: Moving aside from this are you all definitely in the same country? Like you could just be foreigners translating their writing into Japanese

I_Want_To_Die: I am from Musutafu prefecture!

Dark_Lord: Me as well

Cat_Claws: Yeah

You: We're all from good ole Musutafu prefecture

I_Want_To_Die: So what do we all like to do in Musutafu?

Cat_Claws: Petting cats at cat cafes while drinking coffee

Dark_Lord: This is me

You: No this, is, SPARTA

I_Want_To_Die: THIS IS ME! Love the Greatest Showman!

Cat_Claws: Mood

Dark_Lord: I do not know why but that reminded me of that popular anime

You: Which one?

Dark_Lord: Quirkless, the one where all the people are quirkless and quirks never existed

Cat_Claws: Oh that is a good one.

I_Want_To_Die: I've watched that since I was a little kid!

You: What is this about?


You: Hey don't blame me my dad didn't let me watch anime for years

I_Want_To_Die: I am so sorry to hear that, he sound awful!

You: Yeah he was


Dark_Lord: Pics or it didn't happen

Cat_Claws: You can't send pictures on this

Dark_Lord: You already know I'm new don't judge me

You: I will judge you

I_Want_To_Die: Hey quick question what is your favourite planet? There is a popular quiz going around about what that says about you so I would really appreciate it if anyone of you were to say but of course you don't have to and I don't mean to pressure you.

Dark_Lord: Are we going to say anything about the gays comment

You: My favourite planet is the moon

Dark_Lord: okay then just ignore me

Cat_Claws: My favourite planet is the asteroid heading straight for Earth

I_Want_To_Die: Mood But I love Pluto!

Cat_Claws: They used to believe that Pluto wasn't even a planet can you believe that?

Dark_Lord: They were dumb

You: They still are dumb the whole system is wrong

Cat_Claws: Worm

[Due to a time limit, we suggest that you take a break from your device. Please try to get some sleep now!]

"Damn it"

The teen stood up from the bar counter, nodding to the solid mist shape in front of him.

"I'll go to my room now. Bye Kurogiri"

The newly appointed Kurogiri looked towards the burnt man.

"Goodbye. Dabi"

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