Ava and Shuri both nodded, admitting to him that T'Challa had lied about the vibranium left in Wakanda. "There is vibranium all around you, it is how we healed you." Ava said softly. 

Suddenly, a pang alerted from Shuri's large computer monitor, and Okoye filled the screen. The three of them turned to face her, wondering why she was calling. "Where is T'Challa? His Kimoyo beads have been switched off." The general spoke, looking at Shuri. 

"We are not attached at the hip, Okoye." Shuri said with a light chuckle.

"A man showed up at our borders." Okoye said, her tone urgent, her expression serious. "He claims to have killed Klaue."

Ava stepped closer, a frown on her lips. "What?" She crossed her arms firmly. 

"W'Kabi is transporting him to the palace as we speak! Please find T'Challa!" Okoye directed.

The blonde-haired woman shook her head, blinking a few times. "An outsider?"

"No, a Wakandan." Okoye said. Suddenly, the monitor screen was filled with the image of the man she spoke of. A handsome, dark skinned man, who looked Wakandan other than his clothes, his jet-black hair in short dreadlocks on top of his head. His eyes were focused, serious, and his jaw locked in the picture. It sent chills running down Ava's spine. He looked intimidating.

Everett joined Ava at her side, looking up at the screen. "He's not Wakandan." He said, making Ava and Shuri both glance at him, then back to the screen. "He's one of ours." He continued.

"You know this man?" Ava questioned, pointing at the screen as she looked at the CIA Director. 

"I mean, I've heard of him. Almost every military or Government leader in the United States has heard of him. He has a massive reputation. Quite an impressive, and bloody, reputation." Ross nodded, glancing up at the screen. 

Shuri listened, picking up her Kimoyo beads to try to contact T'Challa, luckily getting an answer from him almost right away. "Brother, you need to get here, now!" She said, not giving him a chance to speak before she hung up. Everett, Shuri, and Ava all anxiously waited for T'Challa to arrive, staring up at the screen.

It was only a few minutes of waiting before T'Challa had joined them, briskly walking into the lab. "What is the urgency?" He asked. 

"Okoye called, said this man arrived at our borders claiming to have killed Klaue. W'Kabi is bringing him to the palace, and says he is Wakandan. But Agent Ross says he is American." Ava said, looking back at the King as he joined the group looking up at the screen. T'Challa was silent as he studied the claimed Wakandan man, swallowing slowly. 

"Agent Ross, what do you know of this man?" The King asked.

Everett crossed his arms, shrugging. "Well, I know he isn't Wakandan. He can't be. His name is Erik Stevens." He said with a small shrug. "Graduated Annapolis age nineteen, MIT for grad school. Joined the SEALS and went straight to Afghanistan where he wrapped up confirmed kills like it was a videogame. Started calling him Killmonger. He joined a JSOC ghost unit." He explained, pacing in front of them a few steps. "Now, these guys are serious. They will drop off the grid so they can commit assassinations and take down governments. Did he reveal anything about his identity?"

The three Wakandans listened intently to Ross speak, Shuri pulling up what information she could on her computer. "He has a War Dog tattoo, but we have no record of him." She said. 

T'Challa gave a small nod, raising his chin. "Shuri, come. Ava, stay here. I will go meet this man and make a determination on his presence."

"Why does she have to stay here?" Shuri frowned, displeased with her brother's orders.

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