"Leo we have to stay this is the best place to get pictures and get the truth of fighting." She says as soon as I come in. I look at her like she's crazy, she has a backpack strapped on to her and her camera around her neck. She's wearing a black leather jacket, and a green shirt tucked into her dark blue jeans. She has to be kidding, right? There's no way I'm letting her near the front line even more. "No Alice we're going, the orders were given to get you away from the front...."

I push Alice onto the cot covering her with my body as we hear a bomb go off near us. Everything feels hazy as the ringing is going through my ears. I don't even look at Alice as I grab her hand as we start running through the back over the hill away from the front line. Hearing all the firing yelling and bombs going off makes me run even faster just wanting to get Alice to a safe place. I look back for a split second, catching a glimpse of Alice looking up at the sky. We look up to see, that this once peaceful untouched place is now filled with explosions making the clear dark blue sky become filled with colors of red, orange, and yellow.

Heading out we take the back way out a mile from the front line. Going from the front line to the building we hear bombs and rifles go off as we make our way to the building that is between the front line and the forest, it's the only safe place we could think of that was close by but still far enough from the battle. Meeting up with Ross he tells us how bad it was since unlike us he went facing the battle as Alice and I went away from the battle. I only took Alice away from the battle to make sure, she didn't persuade me to stay, so she could get a report done. Don't get me wrong I'm all for doing the job and danger but when it comes to her I just can't let her get hurt it'd kill me to see something horrible happen.

"Sulleven, Alice you guys made it," Ross says pulling me out of my thought. "Yeah, bro we did, so how bad is it?" He gives me a look that says it all but still explains it. "They are pouring in and the front line is being overwhelmed and small portions are leaking in." Crap, it's worse than I thought... Going further into the building we meet up with Peter. "Hey, you guys made it," Peter said. "Peter, you're here," Alice says as she wraps her arm around him and he does the same back. An assistant huh?? Don't think you hug like that or get that worried. Leo snap out of it, you know the truth, though do I? A lot has changed since I left, she could have a boyfriend or even worse a husband by now.

"Hey guys, hate to break this all off but I do still have an actual order to take care of." Alice and Peter break away... Alice looks at Ross, "What's the order do you think I can tag along" Ross glances at me not sure how to answer. I shake my head no and tilt it towards Peter's direction before Ross continues. "Well my position is the mortar area not too far from the front lines, but since it's collapsing, they are going to need me." I sigh knowing what's coming next. Thanks, Ross this is fucking great.

"Leo Sulleven if we don't get to the front lines now, then what good use are we?" Alice says and I take a big deep breath before starting this battle with Alice. "Alice Rose Pierce I know Damn well your father would not fucking want you fighting or being near the front lines, so no we're not going, and you're not going but Ross will since it's his position that he was assigned while mine is making sure you stay alive. There's no way in hell you would survive the front line."
She looks at me, not a sad face that's given up no, that would be too easy and Alice's not an easy person when she wants something. Her expression is of determination and anonymous since I've denied her twice and also told her what her father would want because she knows I'm right. "Leo this is my job just like your own, mine is to do a story of the war and get a sense of what's going on."

I turn to Ross for any sense of help but he just shakes his head that damn fucker. I look to Peter and he does say something, thank god. "Alice, Leon's right you really shouldn't be out there it'd be too much especially with something so new, there's no guarantee of your safety" See at least someone here agrees with me, I like Peter even more now. Ross interrupts us "Hate to break this up but I need to go Peter do you mind coming with me?" Peter tells Ross he'll go with him but before they leave Alice asks one more time for me to take her to the front line. Looking at Ross, he agrees but not before warning Alice of how dangerous it is and that anything can happen even the unthinkable and she agrees with him. Peter finally gives in but we all can tell he doesn't want to, though like I said Alice knows how to get what she wants even if it's just from one person and the rest agree. She looks at me as Ross and Peter are about to walk out of the building. "Fine we'll go, but under my circumstances and rules" Alice smiles and says okay in happiness. She has no idea what she's getting herself into.

Once Ross and Peter left, Alice and I, started preparing for anything that may happen. I have my Automatic M4 instead of M16. With my regular M1911 pistol with no red dot on me and ready to go. "See you were already prepared to go, so why did you not want to?" I love her but sometimes she can be annoying as hell yet cute. "Alice it's not that I don't want to go, I just don't want to put you in any danger." She looks at me and smiles "Leo, with you I feel safe I know we will be fine and I'll listen to anything you tell me even if, you say let's go back now." I sigh and give in "Okay, but first, you're going to need this"
I hand Alice a small 38 revolver, she protests saying she doesn't want to kill anyone. "Alice you're going to need at least keep this on you, even if you don't plan on shooting anyone at least you'll have it if you need to."
She takes the gun and nods.

We start rushing through the building and trying to make it to the front lines. Damn, Ross for picking the third floor as a safe place. As we are just about to leave the building. We are greeted by a squad of Russians about 6 of them who suppress us with A.K. 47 firearms. Immediately they started to shoot at us from the front of a narrow entrance that led to the front lines. I fire back a quick automatic burst back at them killing two. But they outnumbered us so I had to grab Alice and break down a door next to us since we were outgunned. As we go in the room the Russians shoot at the walls making holes through the wall with their rifles. Shouting at Alice, I tell her to low crawl towards the back door that we could use to outflank them. We crawl as bullets fly over our heads. I have my rifle strapped on my back, I look behind me to see Alice now clenching her revolver as she crawls.

We finally make it there and see that there are still 4 standing and patrolling for us. I point my weapon at them and fire a large burst at them only 2 of them get shot and die due to the amount of lead I shot at them. But suddenly my gun runs out of ammo and the Russians are only 10 yards away from us. They rush towards us with their rifles as clubs. I take out my 45. Pistol and managed to gut shot one of them by shooting at the hip but one of them was already too close to me. And grabs me throwing me over a table, making my pistol come out of my hand away from reach. He slowly walks up to me hands up ready to fight as I know and hope Alice's staying away from the fight probably shocked by the carnage. I get up knowing it's going to be a hand-to-hand fight. That's when the fight begins between me and the Russian.

The Russian threw the first punch but I simply slipped his punch and hit him in the jaw staggering him backward. I close in on him with lefts and rights to his nose and jaw. At that point, the rage and adrenaline got to me and I kept going. The Russian soldier was leaning up against the wall knocked out unconscious by being punched over and over and over, his body slumped to the floor when I stopped and noticed Alice in shock. Knowing I scared her, I ran over to her, making sure she was okay. "Alice?... look at me are you okay?" She looks at me and hugs me from being scared by the whole thing. After lighting her grip on our hug, I know she's slowly recovering... That's when 2 more Russians come behind us and try to make us surrender but then 2 sniper rounds hit them through the window. As we look up at the window, we see Chloe across the other building giving us a thumbs up. We rush out of the building to meet up with her and she talks to us about the battle.

Chole brings us to the front line, where we see the fighting with intense shooting and the clashes of hand combat between Russians and The Marines with our reinforcement. We look over at the trenches and see Lewis holding his ground with his minigun in both hands.

Heading further into battle but still near the sidelines Chloe stops for a split second and turns to us. "Guys I need to get to high ground to take out the mortars within the resistance," She says. "Do what you need, and we'll find an area to cover." Chloe shakes her head no. "No, you're coming along with me so I can cover you, while we all try to turn this fight around." I look at making sure she's okay with this. She nodded her head, we proceeded to follow Chole...

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