01: night

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"Cyrus!" Andi and Buffy scolded. They were supposed to keep their friend away from the trouble and bad news that is TJ. Key words: supposed to.

"He looked really sad! Like abandoned puppy on the side of the road sad! I wasn't going to walk away from him because one that's just rude and two I felt the need to hear him out. Contrary to popular belief, there's a good person inside him somewhere," Cyrus truly did believe this. He wanted things to go back the way they were before the gun. TJ was good for him, despite what his friends may think, and he knew it. Around TJ, Cyrus always has this surge of courage that he seems to struggle to find on his own.

"What do your parents have to say about this?" Buffy questioned, sinking into the booth with her arms crossed. "I don't know if I can trust him af-"

"He told the cops."


"He felt really bad, so he called the cops. He did the right thing. He's a good person, trust me. He made one mistake and that shouldn't justify who he is." Cyrus said, defending TJ. Why was he defending TJ? After all, TJ did put him in an uncomfortable situation.


"It's Amber," Andi said looking up. "I gotta go... we're going to a concert together."

"Which one?" Cyrus asked.

"Hayley Kiyoko. Who knew that we have similar music tastes?" Andi shrugged and left with a small smile.

"You know they say that girls who refer to Hayley Kiyoko as a singer and appreciate her music and not just as that girl from "Lemonade Mouth" are gay..." Cyrus looked up and saw TJ sit next to him. Buffy gave a look to Cyrus.

"And how would you know that?" Buffy snapped. "You can't make assumptions like that."

"I don't know. Saw it on the internet." TJ shrugged.


"It's Walker. I'll talk to you later," Buffy said. As she left, she gave TJ that same cold stare she used to give him before.

"Wow so all your friends just ditch you like that?" TJ asked.

"No. I have plans."

"Oh yeah, what?"

Cyrus pauses, but in a panic said, "Sports!"

TJ laughed, "Yeah, okay, how about the truth?"

"I was going to bring home a basket of baby taters and watch a documentary, but now that you're here did you want to split a basket with me?" Cyrus could feel his heart rate accelerate, his palms beginning to moisten, butterflies filling his stomach.

"Sure," TJ shrugged moving across the booth from him.

Andi and Amber stumbled out of the concert venue laughing, leaning into each other. The two girls were beaming.

"That was so much fun!" Amber said as the girls continued down Main Street. It was a dark, clear, crisp night. One of those nights where you could see the stars for miles. One of those nights where you could look out and face the world with ease.

"I don't know what I liked more- her outfit or her singing... she's got taste!"

"Do you have to be home right away?" Amber asked, the two slowed down.

"No, I have an hour. Why? Did you want to get-" Andi started.

"Baby taters?" The two finished together, in sync. The two girls immediately broke into a fit of laughter.

Together, they were relaxed and at ease. Whatever tension and fear that was between them at one point, was gone. It was replaced by this new, distinct, yet unfamiliar feeling. They continued on through the night.

Walker and Buffy stroller the park. It was quiet, dark, and cold. The two had just finished skating under the stars. A light coating of snow was starting to accumulate around them. There was a small little cafe ahead on their right.

"I could really go for some hot chocolate now, you?" Walker said shoving his hands deeper into the warm pocket of his coat.

"Yeah, sure. That's perfect." Buffy said looking at the stars. The two quickly hurried into the cafe, ordered, fought over who's paying (Buffy won), and slid into a small booth in the corner.

The cashier came and gave them their hot chocolate and smiled at the pair. She had slipped the two a donut.

"This looks messy, I'm going to get us some more napkins." Walker said excusing himself. Napkins. That word made her uncomfortable, and she didn't understand why. Why was something so simple as getting napkins making her squirm?

"Everything okay?" Walker asked, returning. Buffy smiled, snapping out of her gaze.  Walker placed the napkins between them.

"Yeah. Just thinking. Basketball- our first game is soon, ya know?"

"I'm sure you'll do great. After all, they do have one of the best captains ever," Walker said reassuring Buffy with a warm smile. Buffy picked up her mug and clinked her's to his.

However, she didn't touch the napkins that night because she didn't want to think about him.

"Wait, so you think that Andi is only hanging out with Amber to get to Buffy? And Buffy is only with Walker because she knows that she missed her opportunity to be with Marty?" TJ asked, kicking his legs up into the air.

"Yeah, those two can be pretty oblivious sometimes."

"You think?" TJ scoffed. "So who you crushing on then?"

Cyrus stopped, as if he wasn't already rosy from the cold, he turned red.

"Oh my god- who?" TJ stopped, facing Cyrus. "Andi? Buffy?"

"What? No, they're like my sisters." Cyrus exclaimed, they really were.

"Then who? You should see your face right now..." TJ smirked sitting back in the swing, kicking the ground beneath him. "You have to tell me or at least give me something!"

"You can't tell anyone..."

"I won't, I promise."

"Well, its a new crush, but I'm not sure if they like me in that way."

"Dude, just go for it- what do you got to lose?"

"Friendship," Cyrus paused. "Sometimes I wonder if they ever see me as anything more than a friend, ya know? We hang out a lot and when I'm around them, I always get these butterflies in my stomach... so I don't tell them how I feel. I'm cool with everything the way it is."

"Sure- any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend you know that, right?"

"Thanks." Cyrus said. His heart started to beat first. His hands started to feel warmer. The butterflies came back. If only TJ could take a damn hint. If only Cyrus could find the courage he needs to tell him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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