Chapter 1: Ten years later

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I stood above a ledge looking out in a vast land. I could see dark smoke from far away. A signal fire that vampires were on their way.

"Alpha, we must fall back. They are coming," Grace spoke softly.

Grace a female member of my pack. I meet her eight years ago. She is a white wolf and a graceful fighter. Her hair was such lush brown hair and grey eyes. She was a year older than me. Red brought her when he found her struggling against vampires. Red, Grace, and I are the strongest fighters in my pack. They had my back and I had theirs.

"We can take them out." Red said assertively.

Red is actually three years older than me. He is the second in command. We were the best in a small team. We weren't afraid of vampires.

"It's your call." Grace said softly.

I turned to both of my friends. Grace was worried but Red had war written all over his face. That was never good. Once he starts he doesn't stop unless we knock him out. He could be rather insane.

"Look. We are going in. Some of our members are there. I can't leave them there to fall victim to a vampire bite. Any werewolf does not want to be turned into a vampire and commanded against their will. We have to help them." I explained.

Grace nodded and Red smiled. Behind them was about ten other wolves in our pack. Yet I could hardly remember their names. There was three children though. Born into this world to fight or die. We were running low in members. Just lossing one can affect us all.

"Let's go." I commanded.

Everyone but Red, Grace, and I shifted to their wolf form and howled. I nodded and jumped down from the leg with a force of werewolves following behind me. The minute my foot touched the ground I ran fast. Training myself in my human form had made my wolf form even strong. My skills have increased but my skill for running was the best. I was a fast as an average vampire. Red on my left side and Grace at my right with the pack members behind us. A loud yelp in the forest lead us to the victim.

She was a small little girl in our pack sitting aginst a tree. She was only eight years old. I looked at her body and her neck had a bite mark. Her breathe was heavy and her face was already turning lighter. She extended her hand to me.

"Please...kill me..." her once sweet voice came out rash.

I walked over to her and sat next to her. I brought her to sit on me. She was already starting to smell like a vampire. Her golden eyes already turning cold.

"Shh..." I spoke softly, "Look at the sky. It's beautiful isn't it?"

Tears fell down her cheeks as she nodded while looking up. The members of my pack had tears fall down their face. Even though in their wolf forms I could see them sad. Red and Grace had their eyes filling with tears but held them back.

"Just keep on watching it..." In that moment I remembered her name, "Rosemarry..."

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