Exo's dorm

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佳佳's POV

As I opened my eyes, I noticed that I was in someone else's room. It wasn't very big but it was very messy apart from the bed. Which I'm in... In different clothes...

Wait... WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I noticed that I was wearing an oversized shirt. It was comfy enough but it smelt... Manly but sweet. I inhaled more of the scent. I think I'm getting addicted to this scent.

Anyways,I got up and had a little wonder around the place. It seems like there was some voices coming from downstairs, which I assumed would be where the living room is. Something smelt quite nice. It was then when I noticed I was very hungry. My stomach growled quite loudly as if to prove the point. I chuckled and my eyes widened as I heard someone chuckle with me.

Luhan's POV

I woke up all sweaty and shivering like normal. I have always had these nightmares every night ever since my parents were murdered( let's just pretend, OK????). I will never forget that man's face as he... I rather not describe that.

Anyway, last night replayed in my head over and over again. I'm very worried about that girl. I hope she's ok. I was huts doing normal evening activities when someone pressed the bell. I went to answer it seeing I was the lovely charming young man I was, unlike the other members (A/N sure you are Luhan 😏😓). When I opened the door I saw a pretty girl around my age. She seemed pretty tired and was glad that I opened the door. I thought she might be a fan girl and I was about to close the door when she fainted. I was really shocked and carried her into my room. I heard the other members tease me when I carried her bridal style onto my bed.

I thought she might be uncomfortable in her clothes to sleep so I changed her clothes. I closed my eyes of course. She looked so calm and peaceful sleeping with her long lashes and pink full lips. Oh how I wanted to kiss her right there.

Anyway, speaking of her I should go and have a look on how she's doing. When I walked out Sehun's bedroom (she was in my room so I had to share with Sehun) I saw her about to go down the stairs where the other members were already. I heard her stomach growl and couldn't resist myself to chuckle. I think she heard it because she turned around and looked at me pretty shocked. Her eyes were almost as wide as D.O's.

" Hi. I'm Luhan. What's your name???"

Hey there guys!!! I'm sorry if I haven't updated in a long time. This is my first fanfic so please bare with me if it isn't that good. I hope you enjoyed this update!!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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