Iron Hearts for Gloom

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, he felt something press against his mid shield.

Fred... get back here. It's cold.

George's voice echoed in Fred's mind, and Fred smiled.

Okay. I'm coming back.

Fred quietly looked back at Malfoy, who was staring at the ground, before he left.


"Are... Are you okay?"

Harry turned and smiled at them. "What are you talking about? I'm fine."

George and Fred raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.

Harry smiled as if nothing happened and then turned around.

He continued mixing the flour, sugar and other ingredients. It was complex and George looked at the ingredients curiously.

"What are you making?"

Harry didn't look up, as he just put the bowl aside to check his pastry cream.

"Mille-feuille," He said quietly.

Fred and George winced.

That was Tom's favorite.

They watched Harry cook his pastry, each made with love and care, Harry's hands moving like flowing water, smooth and strong.

George glanced at Fred, who was staring with sad eyes. Harry was starting to shake and his fingers trembled as he cut the strawberries.

George swallowed the lump in his throat, and said, "H-Harry..."

When Harry put his food in the oven, he suddenly slumped onto the ground. His shoulders shook with audible sobs and he hugged himself, rocking slightly.

"Harry..." George said again.

He sobbed again, and immediately, both twins went over and hugged him.

He cried harder, and clutched them.

And for the first time in years, he cried in his first friends' arms.

After a while, he got up, sniffing. "That was embarrassing."

They grinned. "It was."

Harry smiled shakily, and then got up.

A moment of silence passed before Fred spoke up. "What... What do you like about Tom?"

Harry stilled before he suddenly smiled softly. "When I first met Luna, she called him 'my heart'. I met him, and we just clicked. We had our first argument and we never had any more after that. He's kind, intelligent, gentle and bossy."

A lovesick grin came upon his face. "He has the softest hair, and the most beautiful eyes. He knows about everything, and while he's nice like an omega, he can still kick my ass and reign me back in if I get out of control."

He continued. "Tom also has amazing powers and cute expressions. When he's reading, he gets so animated. Tom really likes books and swords. He's incredibly strong and he's not afraid to use it." Harry sighed with adoration.

"He has a gorgeous tail and he lets me touch it sometimes. He's honest and snarky, and I——"

He stopped.

Fred and George stared at him, curious as to why he stopped.

Harry looked at them with wide eyes.

"I... I love him. I love him!" He screamed the last part in joy and he grinned as if it was the best thing in the world.

Harry fell back on the floor, and then started to laugh.

Fred and George watched in awkwardness.

Harry finally stopped laughing, chuckles falling out of his throat every so often. Then he relaxed against the floor, his smile falling into a depressed expression.

"... I'll never see him again." He whispered.

Fred and George shared another look, and knew, that they would've given anything for their friend to have his happy smile back.


Severus Snape has noticed his son's new mood.

He knew that the forest's inhabitants had left.

He knew Harry's heart was broken.

Severus looked outside the window.

A storm was brewing, and he knew, that the heavens were reflecting his son's mood.

It was part of their kind to have such powers, after all.

The children of Sun and Moon were known for their power and strength.

Severus frowned, his wings twitching.

He hoped that no one would learn of his son's abilities and use him for it.

He just hoped with all of his dead, shriveled heart.

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