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"Did you call me, Aizawa-sama?"

"Yes. Take a seat please." He looked at me and continued. " You, surely, heard about what happened recently, right?"

"It would be a lie if I said no. It was everywhere in the news."

"Good. We had a few meetings last week, and all the teachers came to the conclusion that other accidents like this one might happen in the future if we do nothing. We need your help."

"Let me guess. You want me to survey your students?"

"Exactly. You will pretend to be a transfer student from America. You don't have to hide your parents' identity, but yours has to stay secret. Also, regarding your power, you will only be allowed to use 25% of it. It's the maximum. We strictly forbid you to use your full power. It's way too dangerous." He looked at my sword.

"And if they get attacked by villains?"

"Even if they get attacked by villains. Only in case of an emergency, but you will still have to ask for my permission."

"What about the Sports Festival? Will I have to participate?"

"Yes. We don't want the students to get suspicious about anything. I know, it might be boring for you, but you will have to take part in it. It's the rules. Every student has to participate."

"Will I have to rank first or...?"

"It's up to you if you want to rank first or not. The main thing is that you follow the rules. Are you afraid to take the whole attention on yourself?" He laughed. I lowered my eyes and nodded.

"Don't worry. As I said, you just have to follow the rules, the rest isn't important. As I know, you only work in your hero appearance. Nobody has ever seen your face with the exception of a few people, including me, so I don't see how can someone recognize you at the Sports Festival even if the whole world is gonna watch it. Only the teachers of Yuei will know your true identity. But of course, if you wanna get some fame in Japan..."

"No, it's not what I want. As you said, I just don't want to steal their chances of getting noticed by some pro heroes. It would be unfair."

"I understand. But if you want to show off a little bit...You can."

"Good. And what will I say about my 'quirk'? I'm sure they would want to know what it is."

"We also discussed that at our meetings. Don't worry, we took care of everything, so now comes the question if you accept to help us."

"I will think about that." Aizawa opened his mouth to say something when suddenly the door opened and a nurse came in. "I'm really sorry to interrupt you, but the visiting time is over. The patient needs to rest."

"Alright. Thank you very much." I stood and bowed to Aizawa. "Thank you very much for your offer, Aizawa-sensei," I added at the end and smiled, which is rare.

"Take care of yourself."

"Yes, I will. Get well soon. Your students will need you."

"I will don't worry."

"Have a nice weekend." And with that, I followed the nurse out of the room.


Author's Note:

Hi, so this is my first story ever that I publish in Wattpad, especially in English, which is not my native language (It's Ukrainian). So please, if I do any mistakes, tell it to me, it would be very nice.

I don't promise you to write constantly (because of school) so that you don't wonder, why I haven't published anything in months.


I have some info about the story. So the title says "Todoroki x Reader (OC)". I'm really sorry to tell you that, but this fanfiction is about one of the OCs that I created. So you, as the reader won't have the choice of your quirk, name/last name, hair/eyes/skin colors and so on...

But the story will still be in the first point of view, so you will still be able to imagine that you are the main character or so. I might publish some sketches of my OC, so you could see how she looks like and if you really don't like it then just change the colors and styles while reading.

The Cold Sword {Shoto Todoroki}Where stories live. Discover now