Chapter 11 - Adventures in Babysitting

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Scarlett was crying in devastation and despair, denial, falling to her knees next to the burn marks on the floor. "Los... He's gone. Ava's gone. Why? Why are they gone?"

Catty and Ness had tears in their eyes, kneeling on either side of Scarlett, pulling her into their arms, letting her cry into their shoulders.

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: In the bathroom, Castiel looked at his reflection in the mirror, unbuttoning his shirt. Two hands pushed against Castiel's stomach from the inside, trying to get out.

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: In Zane and Crowley's Lab, Castiel suddenly pushed Scarlett and Catty toward Dean, Ness and Bobby in hopes of protecting all of them. "You need to run now! I--I can't hold them back!"

"Hold who back?" Ness asked.

"Leviathan!" Castiel answered.

From 7.02 - Hello, Cruel World: In the water reservoir, Leviathan!Castiel walked into the reservoir, into the water, arms raised at his side. Ness, Scarlett, Sam, Catty, Dean and Bobby ran through the gate, watching as he walked under. A whirlpool appeared, black liquid radiating out from it in all directions, disappearing.

Catty saw Castiel's trench coat floating to the edge of the reservoir, slowly walking toward it, picking it up. She looked disconcerted and as if she couldn't move, trying to keep herself under control. "Okay. So Cas is gone."

The Impala drove down the road.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: At Frank's House, Ness opened the door slowly, looking inside cautiously. Dean, Catty and Sam were behind her.

From 7.05 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil: In Jenny's Apartment, Dean kicked in the door, running inside. Sam, Scarlett and Catty followed.

Ness' Car drove down the road.

From 7.07 - The Mentalists: In the cemetery, Sam and Dean were digging up Kate Fox's grave. Ness was holding the flashlight. Catty and Scarlett were going through a bag, pulling out salt, lighter fluid and a lighter.

From 7.09 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters: In the abandoned house, The creature sat bolt upright, standing from the table. Sam, Dean, Scarlett, Catty, Bobby and Ness immediately drew their guns and shot at it repeatedly until it fell back down on the table, seemingly dead.

From 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much: In Sam's Mind, Sam was driving the Impala.

Octavia was in the passenger seat. "Our friend Cas brought down the Hell-Wall in your head."

From 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much: In Sam's Mind, roadside, by the Impala, Sam looked at Octavia curiously. "You're not the real Ava."

Octavia shrugged slightly. "I'm only as real as you want me to be, Sam. But I'm here to help you." Sam barely nodded. "You will not like what is left to come if you do put yourself back together, Sam. I just want to be honest with you there."

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: In Bobby's House's basement, Sam turned around. The basement was bathed in an eerie red light. Many chains hung from the ceiling, as well as meathooks with bits of flesh and hair still attached. There was ominous laughter.

Octavia: (voice over from 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much) "You will be in pain. You will see things."

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: In Bobby's House's kitchen, Sam was reading a book. He was startled by a strange noise, looking behind him. The ceiling panel began to crack. A long chain fell down through the hole, wrapping itself around Sam's neck, pulling him up to the ceiling, strangling him. Lucifer's laugh was heard.

Octavia: (voice over from 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much) "You will hear things. Memories and dreams of Hell will be just the beginning."

From 7.01 - Meet the New Boss: In the warehouse's hallway, Lucifer appeared in Sam's way.

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