• Contest 1 | Results •

199 15 4

Otaku_Bunny: Hello everyone, and welcome back to Freefall! I am so sorry for the late results! I have been pretty busy lately with my school, so I haven't been able to update

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Otaku_Bunny: Hello everyone, and welcome back to Freefall! I am so sorry for the late results! I have been pretty busy lately with my school, so I haven't been able to update. But since winter break has finally started for me, I am able to be more active on Wattpad! So sorry for the inconvenience! Moving on, now that everyone has turned in their entries, and after thoroughly looking over all the covers, we have finally come to a final decision!

| If there is any disagreement with the scores, please don't hesitate to consult with me about it |

| If anybody would like to an honest opinion on their cover, feel free to PM me |

Deku: But in the end, this is all a friendly competition! If you don't like your results, remember that there is always next time! Take the information you learn and use that to improve your skills and reach new heights! Now with that out of the way, lets move on to the results!

Deku: But in the end, this is all a friendly competition! If you don't like your results, remember that there is always next time! Take the information you learn and use that to improve your skills and reach new heights! Now with that out of the w...

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~First Cover~
Total: 32/50

~Second Cover~
Font: 6/10
Creativity: 5/10
Originality: 6/10
Relevance: 10/10
Overall Look: 8/10

Total: 35/50


Font: 4/10
Creativity: 5/10
Originality: 5/10
Relevance: 10/10
Overall Look: 6/10

Total: 30/50


『 Freefall 』Anime Cover ContestWhere stories live. Discover now