Chapter 7 - The Mentalists

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Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "Why do you think she bit you, Catty? To turn you?"

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the cell block, Leviathan!Brett shook his head, clicking his tongue. "Nope. She did it to turn your child before it was even born so it would be born the biggest freak this world has ever seen. Eve biting you was what triggered the kid's aging process. That's why you didn't even know you ever had it inside of you."

Scarlett glared at Leviathan!Brett. "I don't know if we can believe you or not about this. What the hell does any of this have to do with me?"

"Zane was so obsessive with his need of finally beating Scar and Los' love, that he used them and himself from the time he slept with Scar, and his own DNA he still had, to create their own child creation, thanks to Scar and Los being together in all the ways possible," Leviathan!Brett told them. "Part Human, part Angel, part Demon. An Arkosis. Zane and Crowley want these kids for the power that they will have. Balthazar wanted to double cross them, take the souls for himself, and make sure they didn't get hands on the kids, either."

From 6.22 - The Girl Who Knew Too Much: In the alley, Catty, Scarlett and Sam turned to face Castiel in confusion. Castiel touched Sam's temple, then placing his hands on Catty and Scarlett's stomachs. A flash of bright white light surrounded them.

Leviathan!Brett: (voice over from 7.06 - CatScar Fiction) "So he made Cas break down Sam's Hell-Wall as a distraction, and he made Cas zap the kids out of your stomachs before anyone knew what was happening."

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: In the cell block, Leviathan!Brett looked through the bars to Catty and Scarlett.

"Why would you even need Catty and Brett to create the ultimate monster?" Scarlett asked.

"So that you wouldn't be able to tell it was a monster," Leviathan!Brett answered. "Crowley and Zane want its power for their own. Same thing with Arkosis. But like with Brett and Alastair being like the godfathers to Catty and Cas' kid, Scar, Zane's basically the godfather to yours and Los'. Can you imagine that kind of power within the grips of the King of Hell and King of Crossroads? And you know who else wants these kids? Every monster, every Demon, every Angel who knows about it, and who wants its power for their own. You know what the Leviathans want? We want these things dead, so no one can use their power against us, and so no one can be more powerful than us. That should be a comforting thought, though, Catty. Your child's not Leviathan, because we came before Eve, so she wouldn't be able to create one. Oh, and it's also not any kind of Ghost, Ghoul, Vampire or Zombie, because it's not dead."

"Why do you keep coming after us saying that we can find them?" Catty asked impatiently, her voice raising in exasperation.

"Because there's a spell that we can do to find it," Leviathan!Brett answered. "But, of course, being you're the only parents left alive, we need to drain every single drop of blood from your bodies. And then we're going to eat them alive."

Leviathan!Brett broke the cell door open, walking inside toward Catty and Scarlett, grabbing their shoulders, morphing back into the form of Catty, transforming. Her mouth enlarged. Her teeth turned long and jagged. A two-pronged tongue unfurled. Catty and Scarlett cringed back, unable to move or fight back. Ness and Dean arrived behind Leviathan!Catty. Dean splashed Leviathan!Catty with Borax. Ness used the ax to cut off Leviathan!Catty's head. They watched the headless body fall to the floor. Catty and Scarlett looked down at Leviathan!Catty's headless body in shock, trying to calm down, process and get this to settle in.

From 7.06 - CatScar Fiction: On the pier, Scarlett took a few steps toward Sam. "You can't what?"

"I can't talk to Dean right now, Scar!" Sam answered, turning to face them. "I can't even be around Dean right now. And I'm not going to put you and Catty in a position where you have to choose a side, because I know that you won't. I think you should just go on without me. You know, Cat, Scar, after everything with Cas and Brett and Los and Ava, and the way that Dean's been a total dick about it toward you, and, honestly, so have I, I'd say that you'd both need a break from all of us, to." Scarlett and Catty looked as if they were trying to tell them, unable to find the words. Dean nodded. "Go."

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