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             Opening the door, I came face to face with another unfamiliar person. 'This has got to quit happening to me', I thought as I then felt stabbing pains in the back of my feet. I looked down to see that I was now in (uncomfortable shoes you'd never wear). "Why am I wearing these? I never wear these!", I said aloud in a complaint as I was about to remove them. "We don't have time for you to fix footwear problems (y/n), you have a fan meet scheduled for an hour from now. That means we need to go!", they said as they began to pull me out the door by my arm. "How do I even have fans? A fan meet for what?!", I said as I had intentions of finding out what was really going on before I got dragged anywhere. "You really do not know what is going on right now, do you? Ughhh, okay. We have 5 minutes to spare anyways. Since it seems like you've slipped into some form of amnesia at the moment, I will brief you. Recently, you have come out with a new book that everyone loves. You've gotten a fan base, thus the reason we are having a fan meet.", they said as if I probably should've known this.

             "Okay, so if I supposedly have written some book, what would it even be called?", I asked, surprised that I'd even accomplished that somehow. "It is called (book name).", they said in irritation. "Well, as interesting as this is, I still don't know how I ended up back here, and I need to head back to my time. This is not as interesting as the last door apparently.", I said as I headed back to the door I came from. "None of that made sense sweetheart, but we still don't have time for this!", they said a little louder as I made my way back. "I don't know what this journey is trying to show me, but I have all the time in the world since I'm not even meant to be here.", I said as I went through the door. I didn't actually make it back to the tunnel though.

             There seemed to be some sort of floating person meditating around a bunch of fancy candles. "Uhm, this isn't the tunnel", I said as I explored the most futuristic/hippy room I've ever seen. "Well obviously. But honey, you need to stop meddling with your lifespan like this. Whenever you go to a time period of some sort, you can't just tell them a bunch of crap like "I'm not actually meant to be here". It's just not good.", they said tsk-ing afterwords. "So you've been.... stalking me?", I asked the strange person as they then unfolded their legs to appear to be standing. "Not stalking hun, watching. That's my job. To watch and help the people in need, and you have definitely gotten to need some great assistance here recently.", they said in a judgemental tone. "What do you mean?", I asked as they snapped their fingers, using some force to make me sit in a chair that had just appeared. Wow.

             The tone of the room seemed to change into some type of universe setting outside of our chairs. It was as if we were really in outer space itself, except our chairs would still stay stable on the floor. "If you think you're ready to hear it, I guess I'll have to tell you. You know that hole you fell down on that hike?", they said as I began to grow anxious. "....yes?", I said, feeling as if I was questioning anything and everything. "Yeah..... About that. You didn't just magically appear into a tunnel after that for no strange reason. You see, when ya fell down that hole in the ground, you actually almost died.", they said as a random teacup came out of nowhere for them to sip out of. "Almost?", I said trying to decipher what they were trying to say. "I mean..... You could've, but I decided to spare you. Your life has always been worth something, but you weren't given enough time to see it through. So I have decided to give you another chance.", they said as if expecting me to give them some great reward. This person really seems to think highly of themselves.

             I've never felt like that I've received help in any way. This is very confusing. "You helped me by putting me down a tunnel with a bunch of random doors, putting me in situations that have made no sense at all?", I asked as they then gave me an irritated look. "You just don't get it quite yet. Those doors actually are the turning points of your future.", they said as things began to click. "I don't think it'd ever be possible for me to ever do those types of things in my future. I mean, marrying my (favorite music idol)?! Hah, that's a very funny notion, but I'd appreciate if you left out the false future occurrences.", I said as I crossed my arms. "See, point proven! Until you know what your life is actually worth, you don't deserve to leave the Earth. You have so many lives still left to impact, and I'm only able to give you sneak-peeks into each of them to help you make that realization.", they finished as a loud bell began to toll.

             It felt as if I had a pair of earbuds in, and a bell was tolling on repeat. "Oh! I'm afraid our time is up! You're only allowed so much contact before you are returned to your quest!", they tried to shout over the noise. "WHAT??!", I shouted back over the bell (I've never really had the best hearing. "JUST REMEMBER TO KEEP AN OPEN MIND!!!", they shouted back to me as they began to fade from my vision. Before I knew it, I was back in the middle of that tunnel again. "Great. What am I supposed to do now?", I said aloud, hoping that that magical person (whatever they actually were) could still talk to me. Just then, my phone vibrated. 'Did I really just now get reception?', I thought as I began to check my phone. Only to then see a message from a person called "they". 'Hmm, that's an odd name.', I thought as I opened the text. The font seemed to be unrecognizable, but it was in English nonetheless.

             "I may not be able to assist you in person, but that doesn't mean we have to cut off connection completely.", it read. "Find the door with the picture of the dollar sign and the music note.", the rest of it said. I walked down the hallway a little ways until I then found the door They were talking about. Well, here goes nothing.

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