The First Day

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You awoke suddenly in a strange bedroom and looked around in a state of panic. Where the hell am I? You looked around the room and everything was strange. All of that craziness must have been a dream, but that didn’t explain where you were at the moment. Deciding not to panic you sat up, stretched your arms, and rubbed your eyes. After your eyes adjusted to being awake you looked around the room.

There were posters and action figures of Pro Heroes all over the walls. You must have gotten drunk and stayed the night with a fellow con-goer. Though strangely enough none of your favorites were displayed. What kind of fan doesn’t have one Midoriya figurine?! The new Todoroki Pop Vinyl was epic looking so a collection without any of your favorite students was strange.

You stood up and walked over to the mirror to check how badly you looked and froze. That’s not me. You stood dumbfounded for a moment before doing the obligatory poking at your face and trying to figure out why. It wasn’t a dream, you thought as you ran your fingers through the long gray locks of hair and the sparkling purple eyes that were suddenly yours. Holy shit.

“Shiro!” You heard your mother’s voice scream your characters name and almost broke down. You hadn’t heard that voice in years. You immediately bolted out the bedroom door toward the voice that couldn’t possibly be.

“Mom?!” You sprinted down the stairs and turned the corner into the kitchen of the strange house. Her back was turned but you would never forget that silhouette, it was your Mom. She turned with a smile you’d missed more than you could bear and you ran to hug her and started bawling immediately.

“Oh, sweetie, don’t be nervous. I know your first day is scary but everyone is going to love you. You shouldn’t cry.”

You didn’t even really hear the words she was saying as she petted your head. All you could do was take in her sent, her sounds, her comforting presence. You had her back. After the initial shock died down, you sat with your mother and had breakfast. Pull it together before she thinks something is up.

“I love you, Mom.” Your Mom seemed concerned at your sudden interest in her, having no idea how long it had been since you’d seen her. Though she smiled sweetly and placed her hand on yours.

“I love you too, Shiro.” You wanted to correct her, but you knew this was your name now. Kisaki Shiro, AKA Overclock. Your beloved OC. Holy crap that weird guy had actually done it. “But don’t go thinking you can sweet talk me out of going to school today. Go put on your uniform, my little hero-in-training and I’ll drive you to UA.”

“I’m going to UA?” You questioned with a look of confusion and shock on your face.

“Well I sure hope so or all that money we spent moving here for the hero course was a waste.” She chuckled and stroked your cheek lovingly, “You didn’t get much sleep, sweetie. Go get dressed and we can stop for coffee on the way.”



It wasn’t long before you were standing in front of UA with a cup of coffee and a look of pure adoration on your face. You really don’t get a sense of the scale of this place in the anime, you thought as you moved to the side to allow some students to pass you and go in. Your hands started to shake, although you knew your quirk and quite a lot of uses for it, you’d never actually used it and weren’t even sure how. You assume it was as easy as thinking about doing it, but you started feeling a lot more sympathy for Midoriya now that you were kind of in his position.

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