Start from the beginning

~ A mentee willing to work on world building

her list of 'absolutely not's:

~Romanticized abuse

~ Anything with improperly researched psychological topics such as mental illness, trauma, abuse, ect.

~ Characters who refuse to communicate.

~ Inappropriate age gaps.

She hopes to work with a lucky (or unlucky based on how many questions she may ask) mentee soon!

DumDumPops4 wishlist:

With favorite authors like Samantha Young, Sarah J. Maas, and C.L. Wilson (and as bit of a genre-hopper herself) Cayleigh is open to many different genres. While she admires the time and dedication of historical fiction, non-fiction, or memoir authors, she just can't find herself giving them due justice and requests not to be sent these. However, she loves diving into an urban fantasy or turning the pages of a paranormal romance. She also enjoys spiriting herself away on an adventure, debating the physical needs of vampires, or wrestling with werewolves. Whatever it may be, as an avid bookworm, Cayleigh is excited to read.

druidrose wishlist:

MB is looking for upper-YA, NA and Adult fiction. She wants your Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, and Action/Adventure stories. Though romantic arcs within these genres are preferred, exceptions can be made if she finds the right manuscript whose worldbuilding can consume her.

She wants characters who can sweeper her off her feet, who she can love to hate and hate to love. She wants strong female leads. She wants all the romantic tropes you can throw as her - love triangles, enemies turned lovers- and has no shame admitting it.

She loves plot twists, cliffhangers and surprise endings- make her cry, make her want to throw the book across the room only to get up and retrieve it so she can finish it immediately. Give her endings that make her want more.

Mature and LGBTQ+ more than welcome.

Paranormal and Horror may also be considered, so long as there are no werewolves involved. Please do not send her Contemporary, Fan-Fiction or Non-Fiction- she will not be the ideal mentor for theses genres.

She maintains an open-mind about a lot of subject matter, but do not send her stories with racism, bigotry, homophobia, or anything that goes against Wattpad's Rules & Regulations.

ESHurricane wishlist:

My favourite kinds of stories push some kind of boundary. I like stories that make me have a moral quandary, with ambiguous characters and no clear good or evil. I also like stories that aren't afraid to be gross and weird (though I dislike stories that are gross and weird for the sake of it).

So, what I'm looking for is any genre -- but the really dark and twisted stuff. I want something that is up in my face from the very first page, and sucks me into a plot that's not afraid to go uncomfortable places. Pitch me your darkest and your grittiest. Sex, violence, and disgusting language are welcome and encouraged.

I also have zero limits on sexual or gender identity of the characters. Let your flag fly. <3

KDCampbell wishlist:

KD is looking only for the genres fantasy, science fiction and paranormal. Please no contemporary unless it is contemporary fantasy. She will break up her list into things she DOES want and things she DOES NOT want. She is the best fit for the categories YA/NA, though she will also consider Adult if the protagonist is in the 20-30 age range (which is basically NA). She is not the best fit for MG mostly because she does not read it.

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