Chapter 4

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HE WAS AN INTERESTING guy. Really. I looked at his Google spectacles, and then him walking around like this lost idiot while trying to communicate with the server.

"Google, take a picture of my eyes."

"Google, show me the latest study on pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis."

"Google, can you please talk to me?"

No reply. Only the distinct clicking sound as the bot took a picture of his eyes.

"Google, you just broke my heart."

And a gagging sound followed his last sentence. He whirled around to glare at me, and I realised that I was the one that gagged.

"I don't really do floccinaucinihilipilification but this set of spectacles you own do not really place you in a positive light in front of the girls." I smirked at him.

"Are you trying to make me care?"

"Do you not care?"

He pretended to think. "Not really."

"Are you pretending not to care when you actually care?"

"Not really. Though I do care about you."

I was about to reply him with a smart comment when Hunter pushed the glass doors open forcefully, making it slam against the wall with a clangorous sound.

"Did you just leave my house without telling any one of us here?"

I sensed Quinn stiffen beside me at Hunter's presence. I felt myself tense up too. The weird thing was that I was more worried for Quinn than for me. I could protect myself lest he does anything impulsive, but Quinn? They had no moderation with him.

His eyes caught on my movement.

"Why, pray, is this bread with you?" He whispered. It sounded dangerous. Cold. Murderous. He advanced on me.

I stepped back. "Hunter, you do not want to do this. I'd get angry. And you'll regret it."

He didn't seem to hear. "Why the fuck did you not tell me?"

Alright. That's it.

"Why can't he be with me? Am I a prisoner now? Do I have no freedom to socialize with people I like?" The lid to my anger was gone now. He was sitting on my nerves and I did not like it. He could go all Alpha male on me and yell at me all he wants but then so could I. I stood my ground.

He froze.

And he lifted his fist. He seemed about to punch me. But I'm ready for a fight.

But off he went for Quinn.

I moved fast. Quinn wasn't very light, but he wasn't so heavy that I couldn't forcefully move him away as well. He dodged his attack, much to my surprise, but I tackled Hunter before he could do anything else.

He looked betrayed when I pressed him down.

"Don't test my patience, Hunter. We are friends but that doesn't mean you get to punch anyone else I care for just because you are angry at me." I said softly before releasing him. Just at this moment, Cole barged into the room.

Why was he so fucking slow? He could have prevented this from happening.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I'm so sorry." Cole nudged Hunter and pulled him away for me. Why should his friend apologize for him? Couldn't he speak for himself? Disappointment rushed through me. At what, I did not know.

I didn't reply. I rushed to Quinn, whose face was contorted with anger. I sighed.

"No, though I'm very angry I won't hit him. I know that you're about to say something to calm me down but it's alright. I've got this."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2018 ⏰

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