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4 months passed....

Tomorrow is the exam that Soo Jin had studied so hard. She hopes that she will get a better grade. She suddenly remembered her momma. Even though her momma never loved her like all of her siblings,she still loves her momma. Because she knows that her mother still loves her.

That is the pure side of Soo Jin. Nobody can deny that she has a really pure heart. She is indeed really pure. 

the last day of the exam

Soo Jin answers all the physics question easily and confidently. When she exited the exam hall,somebody ran towards her and said:

"Soo Jin! You need to go to Seoul National University Hospital! Hurry! Your mom is dying!"

Soo Jin was stunned. She didn't even know that her mother was sick. She haven't met her momma for a long time alredy.

She exited the school and took a bus to go the hospital. She's crying and she can't think when she's on her way. 

When she reached the hospital,she asked the attendant. And took the stairs to go to the room 

A:N because i think its faster tbh

when she reached there,she hugged her momma and said "I love you,momma. I really love you" Her tears stained her momma's shoulder.

Momma looked at her, Soo Jin expected her to said that she's sorry and she loves her too.

And her mother said:

"I never loved you,daughter. I never want you to be in this world. You are never as smart as my children"

And her eyes closed. And she let out her last breath. And with that last word,she hurts Soo Jin.

Soo Jin froze. She was stunned. She never expected her mother to not love her. All of this time,she was fooled by this words :

"Your parents is mad at you because they love you,if they don't care about your attitude and your results that shows that they don't love you"

All this while she was whipped by her mother and she still thinks that her momma loves her. But the truth is,she don't love Soo Jin.At all.

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