The Beginning of a New Adventure

Comenzar desde el principio

Once I was on the wooden platform, he put my suitcase down and patted my head. He got back on the train.

"Thank you for everything." I told him as the train started to move.

He held on to the railing on the side of the train and waved at me, I did the same to him.

"Anytime! Have a great day, sweetheart."

Soon the train speed up and went out of sight. I picked up my bag and walked off the platform.

The area was vacant, no one was here to pick me up.

Did they forget about me?

I sat down on the platform steps and placed my head in my hands. I was exhausted and on the verge of a mental breakdown.

However, I needed to stay strong. I picked my head back and held back the tears that threatened my eyes, I listened for any signs of human life around me.

Instead, silence filled the air.

I started to feel scared, my thoughts were beginning to turn dark.

What if they had forgotten about me? What happens if I was here until dark? What would I do?

However, the thoughts dissipated when I heard hoofs clomping in the distance.

I immediately grabbed my bags as the wagon approached me. The woman on top of the seat looked down at me, her gaze a bit intense.

"Are you the new Pevensie?" The woman asked, her tone mellow.

"I... Christina Hunt is my name, actually...but I suppose..." I was about to explain, but the woman rolled her eyes and interjected.

"Are you the girl they've adopted, or are you not?" She asked in an annoyed tone.

Adopted...that was a harsh word to use. But it was the truth, I was adopted now and even though I didn't like to admit it, I had too eventually.

"Yes mam." I answered while I gripped the handle of my suitcase tightly.

The woman looked in the back of the wagon bed and then at me, "Is that all you brought?"

"Yes, I didn't have much." I replied, I was a tad furious at the tone she was speaking to me. But, this lady was picking me up and was using the time she had to do it. I should be grateful, and that's what I intended to be.

"Get in the back." Said the woman, she nodded her head towards the wagon bed.

I did what was asked of me and climbed on a pile of hay.

"What can I call you?" I asked in a quiet tone.

The woman looked at me, "Mrs. McCready."

"Ok Mrs. McCready." I repeated, I gave her a small smile to try to lighten up the mood.

Nonetheless, she still held the same face. Instead of smiling back, she turned around and clapped the reigns.

The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe: Christina PevensieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora