The Beginning of a New Adventure

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A bomb, that's all it took for my life to change drastically. Everything I've ever known came to a crashing halt. A month ago, the Germans came to our city and destroyed half of it. My home and my parents, they became part of the consequences of war.

Since then, I've lived with my best friend Emily. Why hadn't I been put into the system? My parents had a plan.

A long time ago, when she found out, she was having a parents decide to pick a legal guardian for me, just in case anything happened. You see, my mother and Mrs. Pevensie had been best friends since they were children. So naturally, she accepted my mothers request.

Since the war occurred, parents have been sending their children to the countryside, where the war was pretty much nonexistent.

I was supposed to go to live with the Pevensie children, they got sent to the countryside a while ago.

Emily was going to be living with her grandparents, I really wanted to go stay with her, but I couldn't. The government wouldn't allow it.

Currently, I was on a train, I had moved over towards the window seat after Emily had gotten off at the last stop.

I hoped that my destination would arrive soon, all I wanted to do was crawl inside my new bed and forget everything that happened.

For this moment, my thoughts were consuming me and I could barely take it. Every ounce of my energy was used to keep myself from exploding.

"Mrs, would you like some more peanuts or water?" Someone asked me.

It took me a minute to come out of my daze, but I looked over and saw the serviceman who had been very kind to me.

"No, thank you... How long until I reach my stop?"

"Can I see your ticket?"

I did what was asked of me and handed him my little piece of paper. He examined my ticket for a few moments and then handed it back to me.

"Your stop is next." He told me with a genuine smile.

I nodded at him, I wanted to avoid talking as much as I could. It took too much energy to expel words out of my mouth.

"Don't worry, little lady, everything will be all right. We have nothing without belief." He winked at me and then walked away.

I let his thoughts sink into my head.

*We have nothing without belief.*

Presently, I had nothing, and I didn't know if faith would be enough to bring what I needed back. At the moment, I didn't know what I needed.

Another hour went by with me sitting and looking at the outside world pass by my train window,

Then suddenly, the train came to a slow stop. We arrived at the next outpost, my new life was about to begin.

"I think this is your stop." Said the service man.

He grabbed my suitcase from above me while I got my coat on. Then, the kind, gentle man escorted me off the train.

The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe: Christina PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now