The Stars That Burned

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"You sure he's okay with this?"
"Don't worry, it's just a little kiss."

Terushima hasitates for a second, he puts his hand over Tsukishima's neck, pulling the glasses boy's face closer to his, their foreheads touching.

"You've been so brave these past few days, Tsukishima. Is there something you're hiding?"
"Then, why are you doing this?"
"What a weirdo."

Tsukishima smirks at that, looking at Terushima's eyes deeply. They're golden, and bright. Like a sunrise on top of the mountain. They're beautiful.

They're very different from his boyfriend's eyes, Kuroo's eyes. Kuroo's are dark, they're black like the night sky, but deep inside he can see the stars and the moon shining through.

But he doesn't want to think about those eyes that remind him of the universe, no.

He wants to forget.
He doesn't know why, but his heart doesn't beat the same way as it used to be whenever he thinks about those raven eyes.

Maybe it's time for a change.

He lets himself being pulled into a kiss, closing the distance between Terushima and him. It feels right.

At first it's just a soft peck, but then it turns to get deeper. Tsukishima closes his eyes, feeling the warmth around him.

He wants to stay longer, but—


—the two of them have to let go, abruptly.
Across the street, standing with a hand holding a christmas gift, a raven haired boy with iconic bedhead : Kuroo Tetsurou himself.

Silence falls among the three. No one says a word.
Until one of them finally speaks, cold as the snow on winter night.

"We need to talk. Now."

— ✨
The raven haired boy drags the blond glasses boy along with him to the other side of the park, under the street lamp beside a bench.
Kuroo stares at Tsukishima for a while, before opening his mouth to speak.

"Okay first of all, I'm happy to see you again. I'm glad that we finally see each other face to face and get to spend Christmas together." Kuroo exhales sharply.

"Second of all, what the heck was that?"

Tsukishima couldn't say a word, he lets his mouth shut.

"And don't tell me this is a misunderstanding, because it looks like it isn't."
"Look, Tetsu. Let me explain—"
"Go on, tell me."

Tsukishima shakes his head, looking at Kuroo directly in the eyes. He still can see the stars in them, but not as bright as he remembered last time.

"I feel like everything has changed. Me, you, the things between us. Can't help it."
"But that doesn't mean you can go around kissing another boy while I'm here still thinking about you when you're actually thinking about somebody else!"
"You don't understand. I can't help it."

Both of them take a deep breath.
"It's part of the life itself, okay? Sometimes, things change without you even know it."

Kuroo lets out a frustration groan, he throws himself on the nearby bench, hard.

"Is there anything I can do about it?" He asks, feeling hopeful yet hopeless at the same time.

"Letting me go."
"But how do I let you go if you mean the most to me?"
"Find someone new."
"You're irreplaceable."
"I am not forever, Tetsurou."

There's silence. Again.
"We need to take a break."
"Yeah, we do."
"Do you think we can go back together?"
"I don't think so."

Kuroo stands up, looking at the snow beneath his feet, chuckles bitterly.

"I can't understand you sometimes, Tsukki."
"I can't even understand myself."

There's an awkward laugh.
"Well, this is it, I guess?" Kuroo whispers
"I was hoping to spend a warm christmas eve in front of the fireplace but why do I get nothing but a pang in my chest?"

The raven boy glances toward the blond one last time, with the same adoration across his eyes. He sighs, put the present on the bench.

"Merry Christmas, Tsukishima."
He kisses Tsukishima one last time before walking away, leaving him alone under the street lamp.

Tsukishima looks up at the night sky. It's dark. No stars, or moon to be seen.

But he doesn't regret it.

Because he knows, when the morning comes, there's a golden ray of sunshine waiting to greet him.

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