2. Andy's house

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As Andy drives me to his house i cant help but continue to sob quietly. Im so useless. I cant even go one fucking day without getting beaten or relying on Andy to help me, I dont deserve him as my best friend. He deserves so much better...

"Ash...Ashley!" I am woken from my thoughts by Andy lightly shaking me.

"Ashley, we are here, grab your stuff and mum will help you" He says as he gets out of the car.

He walks around the car and opens my door, helping me up as i wince silently. We walk up to the door and he opens it quietly. We are greeted almost instantly by Amy, Andy's mum.

"Ashley dear, its nice to see you again hun, Andy why are you home so early?" She says smiling at me then scolding Andy slightly and walking towards me.

"Mum actually-" "Ah shit!" I almost yell in her ear as she wraps her arms around me, she instantly lets go and looks at me shocked.

"Ah, mum... Ash kinda-" "Oh my god, Ashley what did they do to you? What happened? I will get you some pain killers right now give me  second i will be right back, and then you can tell me what happened." She says almost all in one breath then walks towards the kitchen, we follow.

Amy appears again out of the cupboard with two tablets and grabs a glass of water then hands them both to me. I take the pills and a small sip of the water, pills on an empty stomach isnt good...

"Ashley, honey, what happened? Was it Damon again? Or..." I look at her worried and she stops herself.

Andy doesnt know about my dad, I told Amy after she pretty much figured it out on her own, but in Andy's head my family loved me, and that is the way it will stay.

"Or what mum?" Andy questions, looking slightly confused. "Um, nothing hunny. Could you please go get Ashley a bed set up in your room? I will ring his parents and he can just stay over tonight" Amy explains, knowing that our early departure from school is much more than the bullies fault...

Andy walks upstairs and i hear him shuffling around, indicating hes not listening to our conversation.

"Ashley..." Amy says softly, i just look down at my hands.

"Its wasnt to bad today Amy, its only bruises, i mean, I-" "Only bruises? Ashley are you really trying to defend him? How much was him?" She asked, pointing to my stomach.

"Um-" "Let me see please Ashley" She says in a soft, caring voice. If i show her she will see how overweight i am, she will see my cuts. She will see the burns on my back...

"Its not bad Amy, I will be fine but thank you for-" i try to reply but am cut off by Amy walking over and hoisting my shirt over my head, she treated me like one of her own since me and Andy had been friends since i moved here. She gasped at the sight. Even though i had stayed here multiple times she had never seen my topless, for this reason.

"Ash..." She whispered.

She hates me. Im a monster. An overweight, depressed monster. I dont know why she even bothers caring for me, she should just give up already. I grab my shirt and start walking towards the door, letting the tears flow down my cheeks once again, i might as well let the world see the real me. The broken, weak, depressed emo i really am... I open the front door and take one step outside before i hear what i never wanted to hear in my life... 

I turned around to see Andy stood behind me, sobbing quietly.

The sound of him crying broke my heart, i couldnt even explain the feeling, all i know is that when he cries it hurts me. I cant explain it but it hurts to see him upset.

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